The Plan for Lake Mansfield

Improved Recreation & Safety: Reconfigure beach parking to improve pedestrian safety, accessibility, and storm water runoff. Create a wide pedestrian and bike trail with dedicated fishing and viewing areas along the lake shoreline from the beach to the boat launch.

Protect and Improve Water Quality: Control and filter sediment from parking area and road before runoff water enters the lake. Filtering storm water is critical to addressing aquatic weed growth in the lake, which concerns many lake users.

Pedestrian & Bicycle Access: A wide trail to allow walkers and bikers a safe, vehicle-free way to enjoy the quiet and beauty of the lake area and adjoining conservation forest. Provisions for emergency vehicles and accessibility devices are included.

Erosion Control/Shoreline Ecosystem Restoration: Complete shoreline restoration, including a natural, vegetated buffer zone (to slow and filter runoff, prevent erosion, and restore habitat for wildlife) and new fishing and viewing areas along the lake shore.

Vehicle Access Changes: Limited traffic to support pedestrian safety, recreational access, and shoreline restoration. Vehicle access to beach from north and to the boat launch from the south. No through traffic (except for emergency vehicles) once a bank restoration and trail redesign/rebuild are completed.