JTPS Coronavirus Information

The district will continue to update this page with information regarding the Coronavirus.

Click here to view the district's COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

Updated 9/8: Student Meals

Due to the extension of Federal and State Child Nutrition programs, school meals will be FREE for ALL STUDENTS. Menus and other information about the food service program can be found on the district website: https://www.jefftwp.org/domain/38

Tuesday, 9/8/2020 Meal Distribution: Students attending school in person will be able to order and receive meals to take home before dismissal from school. Meals for virtual learners will be available for pick-up at the Middle School Cafeteria, 1000 Weldon Road, Oak Ridge, from 1:00pm - 2:30pm.

Wednesday, Meal Distributions for All Virtual Learners: Beginning on Wednesday, 9/9/2020, students participating in the all-virtual program will be able to pick up a week's worth of meals on Wednesdays at the Middle School Cafeteria, 1000 Weldon Road, Oak Ridge, from 12:00pm - 1:30pm.

Please remember to wear a face covering and follow social distancing guidelines while waiting for meals.

Update: 4/16/2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Governor Murphy announced today that schools will be closed through at least Friday, May 15th. We will update you as more information becomes available.

As we continue with distance learning, I encourage you to reach out to your child's teachers, counselor, or principal should you have any questions or concerns.

Again, I thank you for your cooperation and partnership during this difficult time.

Be well and stay safe,

Jeanne Howe

Community Resources

Free & Reduced Meal Applications

If your family has a change in household circumstances, you may be eligible for free and reduced meals for your students. Applications can be found on the district website: https://www.jefftwp.org/Page/1672. Paper applications are available for pick up between 11-12:30 at the Board Office. Applications should be dropped off at that time as well. You may also email completed applications to TShatzel@Jefftwp.org. Please make sure to include all household members as well as the last four digits of your social security number and the signature of the adult household member completing the application.

Pre-School Payments

Over the past few weeks, there have been questions raised regarding the payment of preschool tuition during distance learning. In light of the unprecedented circumstances related to COVID-19 and the impact on the educational process, the Board of Education will waive the $250 tuition payment which was scheduled to be due on April 1, 2020. This will not impact your child’s enrollment in the program; he or she will continue as a registered student in the preschool program.

If your April 1st payment has already been received, it will be returned to you. If you have not yet made the April 1st payment, please do not mail a check or make an online payment.

We are in uncharted territory and appreciate your patience as we make adjustments to our policies and procedures. Administration and the Board of Education will continue to monitor the situation and may consider additional adjustments based on the length of the school closure. Any additional adjustments will be communicated to you as soon as practical.

Update: 4/2/2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I hope this message finds you and your family well.

Thank you to all the parents who completed the distance learning survey; this provided our administrative team and teachers valuable insight into how the process is working.

There was an overwhelming response that students are missing the social aspects of school and a large number of parents suggesting that using video conferencing would help in that regard. At a recent meeting, the administrative team decided that we would allow teachers to use video conferencing with students. Students will be able to not only interact with one another, but will be able to see their teacher and other students. Although this is a great opportunity to engage with others, this does however, have some drawbacks that I need to bring to your attention. It is possible that the students in the video chat will be able to see and hear others in your household. Students are expected to follow all school rules including those in the Acceptable Use Policy. If you choose to not allow your child to participate in video conferences, please contact your child’s principal by Monday, April 13th. If you choose to allow your child to participate, there is no need to contact us.

The survey results also confirmed how hard our dedicated teachers and staff members have been working. I can assure you that they are spending a great amount of time developing lessons, reaching out to students and families, and providing emotional support to our students. This is a monumental challenge for our educational community. We understand the challenges it presents on your end and we are thankful to have your parental support as we continue to partner for our students. It is by working together we can move through this difficult time.

Please use the spring break next week to spend time together as a family without the worry of school work. Virtually visit a National Park, read a book for enjoyment, or take some long walks. Whatever you decide to do, stay safe and healthy!

Jeanne Howe

Update: 3/28/2020

Based on the Governor's address yesterday afternoon, the decision to reopen schools in NJ will be re-evaluated on April 17th. Please note that this does not mean that the schools will reopen on that date.

Update: 3/24/2020

Dear Falcon Families:

I hope this message finds you and your family well.

In my letter to the community on 3/13/2020, I explained that the schools would close facilities for two weeks and switch to a distance learning model starting on Monday, March 16th. Since that message, the Governor closed all schools under an Executive Order for an undetermined amount of time. Jefferson Township Public Schools cannot reopen without the Governor lifting the restrictions on all public schools. When I have additional information regarding the reopening of schools, I will share it with the community.

While we continue to utilize a distance learning model, there are a couple of reminders I would like to share:

  • Please contact your child’s teacher(s) if you are experiencing difficulty with Google Classroom or connectivity to the internet. They will submit a tech help desk request on your child’s behalf.

  • JTPS is following an early dismissal schedule for all schools; however, students can complete their work at any point during the day. We understand that families need to be flexible with work schedules and the sharing of devices.

  • At the Middle and High Schools, assignments in each subject should take approximately 30-35 minutes to complete. The High School is following an all-meet schedule, so students should expect work in each class daily. If your child is spending more than 30-35 minutes on each of their classes each day, please contact your child’s teacher.

  • The expectation is that each child completes work daily. Should your child become ill and cannot participate in the day’s activities, please contact the attendance line at your child’s school before 9:00 am. They will be marked absent for the day and will be given additional time to make up the assignment.

  • Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher(s) or principal.

Be well,

Jeanne Howe

Update: 3/15/2020

Distance Learning Reminder

This is a reminder that Jefferson Township Public Schools will be shifting to a distance learning model starting tomorrow, March 16th. Students will not be required to be on-line at any specific time, but it is expected that all work assigned for the day will be completed within the timeframe outlined by their teachers. If your child is having difficulty completing the work within the timeframe, or there are extenuating circumstances, please let your child’s teacher know. Our staff will be flexible during this unprecedented time and understand that every child’s situation will be different. All administrators will be in their buildings tomorrow to help troubleshoot the start of distance learning. Should you have any problems or questions, please contact your child’s teacher or the building principal.

Update: 3/13/2020

COVID-19 and School Closure

Dear Falcon Families:

As you know, the number of COVID-19 cases has continued to grow over the course of the last several weeks. In addition to the healthy habits outlined in previous communications, social distancing is a strategy to help reduce the spread of a communicable disease.

As of this communication, I am unaware of any confirmed cases in Jefferson Township; however, after much consideration and consultation with the Township Health Officer and the Board of Education, Jefferson Township Public Schools will close all facilities and begin distance learning starting on Monday, March 16th through Friday, March 27th to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please note that a decision will be made to further close our facilities for a longer period of time by Wednesday, March 25th. You will be notified of this decision through our Blackboard Alert system.

During the closure of our facilities, students will engage in distance learning. More information about the learning plan is outlined below. Our staff is ready to begin virtual instruction starting on Monday, March 16th.

There will be no on- or off-campus activities during this time. All after-school clubs, activities, and athletics will be postponed until our facilities reopen. Additionally, all field trips have been postponed until further notice.

In preparing for the closure, your child(ren) will be taking instructional materials home with them this afternoon. Students are also being encouraged to bring home with them any personal items they may need over the closure.

These are unprecedented times. I am sure that there will be some bumps in the road as our plan is implemented; I ask that you be patient with the staff and the district as we work through these difficulties.

Should you have any questions about the distance learning plan, or have any issues with accessing the lessons or services, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher and/or principal.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and flexibility.

Stay healthy,

Jeanne Howe, Superintendent of Schools

Cc: Board of Education

District Staff

Eric Wilsusen, Mayor

Debra Millikin, Town Manager

Peter Tabbot, Health Officer

Dr. Angelica Allen-McMillan, Executive County Superintendent

Virtual Learning Plan

General Information

  • Any technology issues should be reported to the classroom teacher. If they are unable to assist, they will contact technology.

  • Elementary teachers and administrators will be available to answer any questions through email between the hours of 8:30 am and 1:30 pm.

  • Middle and High School teachers and administrators will be available to answer any questions through email between the hours of 7:30 am and 12:30 pm.

  • Should you reach out to a staff member after hours, they will return your email as soon as possible the following learning day.

  • If your child is ill, please call the main office line to report their absence from learning activities as soon as possible.

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher or building principal.

Grades PK-2

  • Children will be bringing textbooks, workbooks, and other materials home with them this afternoon.

  • All lessons and assignments will be communicated to the parents through the Blackboard Alert system.

Grades 3-12

  • Children will bring home any ancillary materials needed for distance learning as determined by their classroom teachers.

  • All lessons and assignments will be communicated to the students through Google Classroom.