Level 1

Students in their first year of Design & Production will take the following 12 week classes: Stagecraft, Costume Construction, and Stage Lighting.

Students are also enrolled in the mandatory after school class--referred to as "Lab". 

Level 2

Students in their second year of Design & Production will take the following 12 week classes: Stage Sound, Props, and Costume History.

Students are also enrolled in the mandatory after school class--referred to as "Lab".​ 

Level 3

Students in their third year of Design & Production will take the following 12 week classes: Design Concepts, Arts Media, and Stage Drafting.

Students are also enrolled in the mandatory after school class--referred to as "Lab". 

Level 4

​Students in their fourth year of Design & Production will take Independent Study Courses that they choose.

Students are also enrolled in the mandatory after school class--referred to as "Lab".