About Us
New students arrive at NCA steadily throughout the year. Students are referred to NCA by the Welcome Center at the JCPS Office of Multilingual Learners, where all families of a non-English language background register when they first enter the JCPS school district.At the Welcome Center, new students complete an English language assessment, and students in middle and high school who score below a certain threshold are referred to the NCA. Enrollment at NCA is completely voluntary, and parents may waive ESL services at any time.
Once students arrive at NCA, they are oriented to the school, and bilingual instructors interpret as necessary. New students are given school supplies if they are in need. At this time, students are also referred to the Clothing Assistance Program if there is a perceived need for clothing.
New students also complete another English language assessment that helps to place them in the proper class level within NCA. The NCA uses a cohort system so that students at similar levels of English spend their whole day together. This system also allows teachers in different subject areas to work together to address the specific needs of the cohorts they teach.
After attendance at NCA, most students are transitioned out to “mainstream” or “comprehensive” schools with ESL programs according to their home address. Although each school has its own unique approach to ESL, there are some common characteristics. At comprehensive schools, ESL students spend only a portion of their day in an intensive ESL class with other international students, and the majority of their day is spent in classes with native English-speaking students. Students who have reached the age limit allowed for JCPS enrollment (age 21) can be referred to other programs to help them complete their diploma.