Forms & Info
Medical Forms
If your student has a medical condition, we must have documentation on file. This includes if your student is self-carrying an asthma inhaler or an Epi-Pen. Please complete the forms below as soon as possible. New forms must be completed each year. Please visit the JCPS Health Services site to download the appropriate forms.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Info
Birthdays, Classroom Celebrations, and Fast Food
Food used as a reward or to celebrate holidays, birthdays, etc., should be used on a limited basis in the elementary grade levels; foods and/or treats such as this are prohibited in grades 6-12. If food is a part of classroom parties or celebrations, only healthy snacks and beverages will be provided that meet Smart Snack in School Standards (7CFR210.11), according to the Smart Snack Calculator. Teachers will communicate with families about appropriate classroom celebration guidelines.
When food/beverage items are used for rewards/celebrations, they shall not be served until 30 minutes after the close of the last lunch period (Jefferson County Board of Education [JCBE] policy 07.111 Competitive Foods) and must meet Smart Snack in School Standards until 30 minutes after the last bell.
J. Graham Brown School will maintain the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Smart Snack calculations for all food and beverages sold or served to students.
Individual/daily snacks provided in the elementary classes should be limited to 200 calories or less per serving.
Parents and teachers must accommodate all students’ specific food allergies and dietary restrictions when choosing snacks for rewards/celebrations provided to the classroom.
All food provided for rewards/celebrations must be store-bought, and packaging must display ingredients and nutrition information.
To promote healthy food choices, visitors are asked to refrain from bringing their child fast-food lunches to school and consider enjoying the healthy offerings and drinks in the cafeteria or bringing their own healthy lunch option.
Classroom Observation Request
Parents or caregivers wishing to observe, or to give permission for a clinician to observe their student in the classroom must follow the procedures outlined in our SBDM Classroom Visitation Policy.
Observers should submit a Classroom Observation Request form at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance to the main office.
The classroom visit will be approved or denied by school administration. If approved, the visit will be coordinated with the classroom teacher. If the observation request is denied, an explanation will be given on the Classroom Observation Request form and returned to the parent.
Visitors must sign in at the front desk and present a valid photo ID. Front desk staff will provide a visitor’s badge and notify the teacher. Please note that all visitors must be listed on the student’s school enrollment form; parents/guardians must provide written permission for visitors not listed on the school enrollment form.
The class observation shall be limited to sixty (60) minutes. During the school year, an individual shall be limited to two (2) classroom observations. Additional visitation requests may be approved by the administration at his/her discretion.
The administration shall have the authority to deviate from the above guidelines to allow more frequent visits or to restrict visits at any time he/she determines the change to be in the best interest of the student(s), parent, teacher, or school community.
Educational Enhancement Opportunity
From the KDE website: “What are the standards set in the statute for an Educational Enhancement Opportunity (EHO)? The opportunity includes participation in an educational foreign exchange program. The opportunity includes an intensive instructional program in one of the core curriculum subjects (English, science, mathematics, social studies, foreign language or the arts are specifically mentioned in the statute). Events that are not within the standards for approval of EHO days would include funerals, family vacations, sports events, community events and religious events because these are events that are not part of an intensive instructional program.”
Please keep in mind that a family vacation with educational activities planned, such as visiting aquariums and/or museums, is not approvable. Additionally, a day spent volunteering or lobbying would not qualify.
Some events that would qualify would be:
Attendance at NASA's Space Camp (a visit to the Space Center would not qualify)
Performing in a production at Actor's Theater (viewing a production would not qualify)
Serving as a page during a legislative session (visiting the Capitol and museums in Washington D.C. would not qualify)
Taking part in a cultural exchange/youth ambassador program through an agency (visiting a foreign country with family would not qualify)
Registration and attendance at a professional conference focused on one of the core curriculum subjects.
The EHO Form must be submitted to the Attendance Clerk at least five days prior to the scheduled absence.
Please be advised that our SBDM Make Up Work Policy states "Students who are using the educational enhancement option (EHO) are required to obtain school work before leaving and submit the completed work before the EHO begins or on the class day the student returns from the EHO. The EHO is not considered an absence from school, and therefore make-up work policies would not apply."