Anxiety and Worry

Coping skills are activities, mindsets, and characteristics individuals utilize when handling strong emotions to stressful situations. Coping skills are beneficial during these stressful times to help manage emotions as well as to exhibit positive behaviors towards others. Here are some coping skills you can use to help through these stressful times!

Counselor Corner Virtual Calming Notebook

Virtual Calming Notebook

There are many, many resources in this notebook that will be helpful to you. Please reach out, if you need to talk or need more resources.

Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies When You are Feeling Stressed or Anxious

Coping Skills

Laukhuf Lions Calming Links

Links to Use to Feel Calm

Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?

Managing Worry and Anxiety


A Guide to Anxiety

12 Ways to Calm Down

Laukhuf, Tackle Your Worries Like A Superhero!