J. Graham Brown School

 Lower School Handbook

546 South First Street, Louisville, KY 40202             Telephone: (502) 485-8216              FAX: (502) 313-3404


Vision and Mission

J. Graham Brown School students have "reasoned minds and educated hearts" of self-directed life-long learners.

The mission of the J. Graham Brown School community is to cultivate innovative thinking and foster independence, empathy, and initiative within a culturally responsive learning environment.

Elementary Bell Schedule

7:30 AM Students report to the gym

7:50 AM         Teachers will walk students to classrooms

8:00 AM School Day begins

10:30 – 1:10 PM Lunch - times will vary

2:40 PM Dismissal 

Office Hours

The Welcome Center at the main entrance is open 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM on school days.  Parents may visit the office starting at 7:00 AM.

Students may be dropped off at school starting at 7:30 AM.

General Communication


The Brown School website: www.mybrownschool.org  features a variety of resources for students, parents, and teachers.  Information regarding the school activities and our upcoming calendar can be viewed at this site.  Our PTSA contact is located in the “Parents” section.  Please register with them to become involved in the emails sent by our PTSA officer.

School Messenger

School Messenger is the phone, email, and text messaging system used by Brown and JCPS to communicate our weekly newsletter, school cancellations, and safety alerts to you. It replaces our previous system. The following process will show you how to enter your contact information, set your preferences, and “opt-in” to continue receiving these messages from JCPS and/or your child’s school.

If you'd like to customize the type of communications you'd like to receive on your phone or email, visit http://go.schoolmessenger.com and create an account. You can also set up and manage your contact information and preferences by downloading the [Blue] SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or Google Play

If you require further assistance, please call the JCPS Technology Service Desk at (502) 485-3552.

Weekly School Newsletter

Bear Essentials is our weekly school newsletter that is published every Wednesday and can be found HERE.

Student Requirements: Admissions and Program Standards

SBDM Admissions and Program Standards Policy

Admissions and Program Standards.pdf


SBDM Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy.pdf

General Procedures

All students are required to be in the classroom by 8:00 a.m. each school day.  

All students are required by law to attend school every day and to be on time for school and all classes. Tardiness is not just being late for school as traditionally interpreted; it is defined by law as “any amount of instructional time missed.” This includes being late to school or leaving school before classes are dismissed. Students are required to sign in on an Entry Log if they are late to school or to sign out of school on an Exit Log if they leave the building during any part of the instructional day.

Any day your child is absent, the parent or guardian must notify the school office of the absence.  When a child returns to school,  the parent or guardian must send a note explaining the reason for the absence.  If the child saw a medical professional when absent, please send an excuse note from that professional.  Absences from school will be considered unexcused without a parent/guardian note or medical note received within three (3) days of the absence.  Tardiness can only be excused with a medical statement.

An excused absence is one for which work may be made up.  Excused absences include such circumstances and occasions as an illness of the student, religious holidays and practices, one day for attendance at the Kentucky State Fair, death or severe illness in a student’s immediate family, and other valid reasons as determined by the principal.  After a total of ten cumulative full-day absences due to illness, parents are required to present a written statement from a medical professional (doctor, dentist, psychologist, etc.) for additional absences during the current school year in order for the student to be excused.

Missing the bus, car problems, traffic due to weather or accident, oversleeping, parent illness, parent medical appointments and family vacations are examples of absences that cannot be excused.  Such events cannot be treated as excused because they cannot be documented by the district.

What happens when a child has unexcused absences?

Feel free to contact your child’s Family Resource / Youth Services Center Coordinator for assistance if you find it difficult to have your child in school on time every day.

Any student with 15 or more unexcused absences and/or tardies will be ineligible to participate in: field trips, school-sponsored events, lock-ins, and dances, for the next nine weeks of school. Students with 15 or more unexcused absences and/or tardies for the year will be ineligible for the 5th grade trip, 8th grade trip, and/or senior trip.

Tardies to Class

When arriving late to class because of late dismissal, conferencing with a teacher, or finishing a test, quiz or project, please make sure you have a note from your previous teacher.  If you are arriving late to a class for no excusable reason, and/or do not have a note, you may be subject to disciplinary action.

Make-Up Work

The J. Graham Brown School will adhere to the JCPS make-up policy as stated in the JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook.

Additional JGBS specific guidelines for make-up work can be found in the SBDM Make-Up Work Policy below.

Make-Up Work Policy.pdf

Educational Enhancement Day (EHO) Request

Educational enhancement days may be granted for up to ten school days in order for a student to pursue an opportunity that the local school administrator determines to be of significant educational value, provided that the date(s) requested does not conflict with state or district testing periods.  This opportunity may include but is not limited to, participation in an intensive instructional, experimental, or performance program in a Brown School-related program of study.

EHOs shall not include activities like those incorporated into family trips.  A principal’s determination may be appealed to the superintendent/designee whose decision may then be appealed to the board.  A student receiving an EHO shall be considered present in school. EHO requests must be made two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled event.  The student and parent should submit the completed Educational Enrichment Form to the attendance clerk. The forms can be obtained from the attendance clerk or at Brown School Forms.

See the Request for Educational Enrichment Day(s) form for details.  This form can be obtained from the attendance clerk.



The academic grade reflects what a student knows and is able to do.  The academic grade is based on student performance and demonstrated proficiency. Specific components of the academic grade can be found in the JCPS Assessing Learning and Grading Frameworks (ALGF).

Elementary School Assessing Learning and Grading Framework

Individual teachers will provide specifics on their own assessment methods within an introductory letter or website.

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Parents/guardians and students may access progress reports and report cards via the Infinite Campus Portal.  Additionally, parents/guardians may request a printed copy in the front office.

Elementary School Report Cards are posted every nine weeks. 

Conflict Resolutions Protocol Policy

In matters involving the planning and resolution of issues regarding instructional practices, parents and students are encouraged to adhere to the following protocol.

The contractual agreement between the Jefferson County Board of Education and the Jefferson County Teachers’ Association as well as JCPS policy will be followed through this process.

School Climate

The Brown School adheres to the JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook (SBIH) and the Student Bill of Rights.  Students are advised to reference the SBIH below regarding appropriate behavioral expectations and discipline. A Brown School student should be able to succeed academically and socially in a more open and self-directed classroom setting. This is an expectation for admission to the magnet school.

JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook and the Student Bill of Rights


The Brown School is unique in that it is a kindergarten through 12th grade public school.  To honor this uniqueness and to ensure that Brown remains K-12, upper school students are expected to be role models for their younger peers. Horseplay, illegal activities, loud, disruptive, and/or disrespectful behavior are unacceptable and can all have negative impacts on younger children in various ways.  Public displays of affection including kissing, hugging, and sitting on laps are inappropriate in a school environment. Please be careful of how you carry yourself and interact with fellow students, faculty, and staff at the Brown School.  Upper School students are expected to model desirable social behavior for younger students in the building. This is linked under the Student Menu of our website, and the Handbooks link.


Language use in the classroom and hallway should be appropriate and respectful for all age groups.  The use of demeaning language or offensive language is prohibited. Please respect younger students, fellow peers, faculty, and staff by using appropriate and respectful language or discussion topics.  Use of inappropriate language in school is contrary to our school’s mission statement and will be treated as a disciplinary offense.

Tobacco and Vaping Products

The Jefferson County Public School district observes a policy regarding the use and possession of tobacco and vaping products at school, on school grounds, or at any official school activity.  Students are not allowed to have tobacco/vaping products in their possession, make use of such products at school, or at any school event.  Staff members have the authority to confiscate such products and refer the student to the administration for disciplinary action as outlined by the Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook. 

Alcohol and Drugs

JCPS policy prohibits the use, possession, and/or distribution of all controlled/illegal chemicals and alcohol on school property by students.  A student in possession of, distributing, or exhibiting behaviors and symptoms of being under the influence of illicit substances, will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook. In addition, a parent conference is required where assessment and treatment alternatives are explored. 

Dress Expectations

In choosing your attire for the day, students should keep in mind we are in school to study and learn and that younger students look to you for guidance.  Students should remember to be a positive role model and exercise  good judgment. Specific expectations for student dress are listed in the SBDM Student Dress Policy below.

Student Dress

Policies and Procedures

Before and After School Supervision

Student safety is a priority at the J. Graham Brown School.  It presents a threat to student safety and well-being when students are left unsupervised outside of the school day by parents/guardians.  Student safety is a priority, and students who are left unsupervised by parents/guardians after school are at risk.  The school provides supervision from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM each day.  It is imperative that students, who are not participating in a supervised school activity, be picked up at 3:00 PM to prevent them from spending any time unsupervised at school.  If you are unable to pick your student up by 3:00,  you will need to enroll in the YMCA after-school childcare.

Students who are consistently in the building unsupervised outside of the school day may be addressed in accordance with the SBDM Before and After School Supervision Policy below.

Morning Drop Off Procedures

Students may be dropped off at school beginning at 7:30 AM. There is no school bus transportation for J. Graham Brown School. Students walking to school (including those walking from a TARC) should enter through the main entrance. Students who are dropped off by car should be dropped off through the alley at Exit 12 or at the main entrance.  Students who drive to school and park in the YMCA garage on 2nd Street may enter through the third floor pedway with staff until 8:00 AM. After 8:00 AM all students must enter through the main entrance.

Afternoon Pick Up Procedures

When dismissed, middle and high school students may leave from any exit. Students may be picked up on First Street or may walk to another location to be picked up. Middle and high school students who ride with elementary students should report to the gym at dismissal to await pick up. Middle and high school students who pick up elementary students must do so at the gym and then exit the building.

Harassment and Discrimination

Harassment/Discrimination is intimidation by threats of or acts of physical violence or the expression of hatred, contempt, or prejudice toward an individual for any reason.  Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and/or physical behavior of a sexual nature. 

Harassment/Discrimination of any type is not permitted.  A student has the right to attend school free from harassment and should not be subjected to discrimination for any reason.  Schools will strive to ensure that these rights are protected and that offenders receive appropriate consequences.  

The Right to Freedom from Harassment and Discrimination

In accordance with federal, state, and local antidiscrimination laws and acts JCPS policies forbid discrimination in providing equal educational opportunities and employment practices and opportunities on the basis of age, color, disability, marital or parental status, national origin, race, sex, political opinion or affiliation, and/or religion.  In cases where a student and/or parent/guardian thinks that a student has been discriminated against for any reason, the parent/guardian/student must file a complaint, using the Jefferson County Board of Education Discrimination Grievance Procedure.  A copy of this procedure and the necessary forms for filing are available in the local school or in the JCPS Compliance Office.

Equal Opportunity ad.pdf

Emergency Procedures

Emergency procedures are posted in every room and discussed with the teachers.  Emergency drills are very important and serious exercises.  When implementing emergency procedures, students are expected to maintain self-discipline, refrain from talking, and immediately follow directions of staff members.  Emergency procedures and drills are necessary for the safety of the students and staff.

Inclement Weather Procedures

Due to inclement weather, there are times when the school district will adjust the school schedule, move to Non Traditional Instruction (NTI) or cancel school completely. Because the school district has jurisdiction over the start and ending of the school day, the Brown School must adhere to official starting/dismissal times. Please refer to the listed directions in how Brown will respond to changes in school starting / dismissal times.

School Moves to NTI

Students should check Google Classroom for specific course announcements, assignments, instructional materials, and/or live instructional sessions with their teachers.

School is Cancelled

If JCPS cancels school for the district, the Brown School will be closed as well. All school activities and athletic events are cancelled.  This includes practices as well as home and away athletic events.  

School is Dismissed Early

If the district chooses to dismiss school early at any time, this will be the official end of the instructional day (dismissal time for middle/high schools). 

However, all employees are expected to remain at school for their regular work schedule.

High School students will be dismissed at the early dismissal time.  No middle or elementary child will be dismissed from school early without proper transportation home. Because all staff members will remain at school for the regular work hours, students who cannot be picked up at the early dismissal time may remain at school until 2:40.pm.

All parents are urged to pick up their child at the announced early dismissal time as staff members may need to leave as soon as possible because of the bad weather. 

When school is dismissed early, all after school activities are cancelled. Decisions on athletic events will be made by 2:00 pm. 

Delayed Opening

If the district chooses to begin the start of the school day at a later time, the official beginning of the instructional day will begin after the delay (ex: If on a two hour delay, Brown will officially begin at 10:00 a.m. rather than 8:00 a.m.).  Employees will report to work based on their contractual agreements.

Supervision for students will begin 30 minutes prior to the delayed start time. No students should arrive prior to 30 minutes before the delayed start time.

Childcare Enrichment Program (CEP)

Only the CEP Snow sites will operate on days that school has been cancelled for bad weather. In case of a delayed opening, or early dismissal, the CEP sites will operate under normal hours. 

Parents are strongly encouraged to pick up their children from the CEP as soon as possible during inclement weather. CEP sites will remain open until all children have been picked up. (Brown School CEP is a designated Snow Day Site.)

Examples of Adjusted School Times because of Delayed/Early Dismissals

If the district announces a 1 hour delayed start for high schools and middle schools, Brown School will begin the school day at 9:00 am.

If the district announces a 2 hour delayed start for high schools and middle schools, Brown School will begin the school day at 10:00 am.

Personal Telecommunication and Electronic Media Devices.pdf

Telecommunication Devices Policy

Personal Telecommunication Devices (cell phones, smart phones, tablets, electronic gaming devices, etc.) at school fall under both the JCPS Telecommunication Devices Policy and the J. Graham Brown School SBDM Personal Telecommunication and Electronic Media Devices Policy.

JCPS Telecommunication Devices Policy

Unless a school/council has been granted a waiver pursuant to Board Policy 02.432, students shall not use/activate and/or display a personal telecommunication device on school property during the course of the instructional day unless they are acting in the capacity of a volunteer firefighter or Emergency Medical Service (EMS) worker. The superintendent may approve the use of personal telecommunication devices as provided in the plan submitted by schools that contain a business and information technology career theme. Personal telecommunication device is defined in KRS 158.165 and includes, but is not limited to, cellular telephones, pagers, walkie-talkies, electronic mail devices, MP3 players, iPods, and video gaming systems. Outside the instructional school day, students shall be permitted to possess and use personal telecommunication devices provided they observe the following four conditions:

1. Devices shall not be used in a manner that is disruptive, including, but not limited to, use that:

—Poses a threat to academic integrity, such as cheating,

—Violates confidentiality or privacy rights of another individual,

—Is profane, indecent, or obscene,

—Constitutes or promotes illegal activity, or

—Constitutes or promotes sending, sharing, or possessing sexually explicit messages, photographs, or

 images using any electronic device.

2. Students are responsible for keeping up with the devices they bring to school. The district shall not be

responsible for the loss, theft, or destruction of devices brought onto school property.

3. Students shall comply with any additional rules developed by the school concerning appropriate use of

telecommunication or other electronic devices.

4. Students shall not utilize a telecommunication or similar electronic device in a manner that would violate

the district’s Acceptable Use Policy or procedures or the SSBIH.

These offenses are subject to consequences under the SSBIH. In addition, the telecommunication device, including the SIM card, battery, and all other parts of the device, could be confiscated by an administrator and shall be returned to the parent/student/guardian by the end of that school day. Individual schools may set policies that define the progressive consequences for each offense. Administrators have the right to confiscate a phone when a student violates Condition 1, above. In such situations, the phone will be returned at the conclusion of the investigation.

JGBS SBDM Personal Telecommunication and Electronic Media Devices Policy

Personal Telecommunication and Electronic Media Devices.pdf

School Travel & Field Trip Policy

Travel and Field Trip.pdf

Wellness Policy
