


J-Town Pride Club

Pride Club is a student-run club that brings together LGBTQI+ and straight students to support each other; provide a safe place to socialize; create a platform to fight for racial, gender, LGBTQ, and economic justice; and promote positive change in the school.



Future Business Leaders of America is a student organization that helps prepare students to become community-minded business leaders through career preparation and leadership experiences. We offer students an opportunity to hear engaging speakers, attend interesting field trips, and compete in business skill competitions. 

Fbla Twitter: @jtownfbla

Ecology Club

Sponsor: Mary Lineberry

The Jeffersontown Ecology Club is a group of students who are attempting to make the planet a better place by starting locally at our school and within our community. Our biggest project this year is our roof-top garden located on the B-side of school. We plan to cover the area with native grasses and plants to help with cooling the building and rain runoff. We hope to expand this project to cover more area of J-Town's "pebble beach" roof.

European Trip

Sponsor: Ms. Farman



Math League

Sponsor: Lou Wheeler

The Jeffersontown Math league is a group of students who compete against other schools in math knowledge and skills. Students take difficult math tests four different times throughout the year and try to compile the best scores possible.

National Honor Society

Sponsors: Natalie Abram and Adrienne Richards

National Honor Society (NHS) is a select society in which members are admitted during their junior or senior year through a process of grade evaluation and teacher recommendations. Members are held to high standards and are expected to demonstrate the four principles of NHS: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

Beta Club

Sponsor Martha Phillips.

The Jeffersontown chapter of the National Beta Club is open to all sophomores and higher with good behavioral standing and a grade point average (GPA) of 3.25. The main principles of the group support individuals who demonstrate strong character, leadership, and scholarship. Members of Beta Club are not just academic leaders but also participate in many community service activities. Each October, they provide a haunted hallway in J-Town's annual Halloween in the Halls. Also, during the holiday season, the members put together small packages to send to impoverished children though the program Operation Christmas Child.


Sponsor: Janet Heston

Debate has a proud history at Jeffersontown High. The former coach, Mr. Thomas, helped mentor students toward appearances at the National Forensic League's Final Tournament and the University of Kentucky's Tournament of Champions. A number of J-Town students have been the proud recipients of the Wilson Wyatt Scholarship, which has allowed them to attend summer debate camps at Western Kentucky University, University of Kentucky, and Wake Forest, among other institutions.

Jeffersontown High School is a member of the Jefferson County Debate League, which includes competiton among Jefferson County Public Schools as well as Collegiate, St. X, and Oldham County Schools. J-Town also participates in out-of-town tournaments in Cincinnati, Lexington, Danville, and Bowling Green. We have coached debaters in both policy (two on two) and Lincoln-Douglas debate.

Pep Club

Sponsor: Melissa Payne

Pep Club meetings are from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in room B205 on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Our mission is to build and spread Charger pride. We paint signs, paint faces, and cheer at games. Open to all!

Spanish Club 

Sponsor: Jessica Clem

Spanish Club meets monthly on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. in room C!$). Mrs. Clem is sponsoring the club for the seventh year, and it is open to any student. Spanish Club takes pride in being a casual, fun organization that is great for the student looking to make friendships while learning about the wonderful world of Spanish culture. The club does a wide variety of activities, including sampling authentic cuisine, watching films, creating crafts, participating in Holloween in the Halls, and playing trivia and Spanish-themed games. Over the years, Spanish Club has grown to include around 25 students.Students are required to sign up to bring food twice a year, and there is a $15 T-shirt expense (optional to students). See Mrs. Clem for more details.

Academic Team

Sponsor: Lou Wheeler

The Jeffersontown Academic Team competes with other schools in various subjects. Students take written assessments in math, science, social studies, English, and arts and humanities. There is also an essay competition.academic team

Quick Recall

Sponsor: Melissa Payne

Quick Recall is a fast-action question and answer competition. It consists of four members on a team who compete against other schools in the areas of math, science, geography, history, grammar, literary works, and general trivia. All students are welcome to participate. Competition is from October through January. In January, Governor's Cup competitions begin, which include Quick Recall and content area tests. Teams and individuals can advance from district to region to state based on their scores.