The Students

Student Voice and Feedback

We are hosting Student Listening Sessions where you can provide your voice and feedback in credentialing learning that occurs outside of the classroom. We want to hear your ideas on how and if we should design a more meaningful system that takes all learning into account – not just what happens in the traditional classroom.

Please share your ideas on how students’ passions, interests, and choices can/should be more incorporated in students' day-to-day educational experiences.

We want to listen to your ideas and feedback on how students can be more in the driver’s seat of their own learning and educational journey.


  • Welcome & Introductions - 15 minutes

  • Overview of Coalition Work - 10 minutes

  • Individual Reflection - 5 minutes

      1. Think about a time that you learned something or mastered a new skill outside of school. What kinds of academic content and/or success skills did it involve? Did it connect with something you learned in school and how?

  • Small-Group Discussions - 30 minutes

      1. Do you use your Backpack of Success Skills outside of school, and how?

      2. How can your passions, interests, and choices be more incorporated in your day-to-day experiences?

      3. How can schools recognize the skills/competencies you learn in your out-of-school time?

      4. What would it look like for students to share that learning with teachers?

      5. What kinds of suggestions do you have for your school schedule to make this type of change?

  • Large Group Share Out - 20 minutes

  • Wrap Up & Next Steps - 5 minutes