
Shannon Skaggs, Attendance Clerk

Attendance Policies

Attendance Goals

Students should be present every day to ensure that all are successful by receiving instruction, gaining knowledge, and graduating on time.  We are committed to providing an environment and system of support to ensure all students are successful.  If students are not present, this cannot occur.  Students miss direct instruction while absent, which impedes learning.  While we encourage daily attendance, we understand there are circumstances that may require students to be absent.  Parents or guardians are asked to notify the school when their student is absent.  Students are expected to be in class on time every period, every day.  Any absence, whether excused or not, denies students the opportunity to learn.  

School Staff Responsibility

Procedure for Documenting Excused Absences

When an absence occurs, a note from a parent or guardian explaining the absence (with valid excuse per JCPS policy) is required. Parent notes explaining an absence or tardy must include:

Excused Absences: Required Documentation

Early Dismissals

8:40AM - 2:45PM (unless notified by an Administrator or the School Nurse)

**If a student is not in attendance for at least half of the school day, he/she will not be able to attend after school events.**

When leaving school early, regardless of age or reason, ALL STUDENTS must SIGN-OUT through the MAIN OFFICE.

Request for Educational Enhancement Day(s)

Make-Up Work

If a student is absent from school, he/she is expected to complete assignments from classes missed.   All make-up work should be completed and turned in by the same number of days of his/her absence, plus one day.   

Tardies to School

The amount of time a student is tardy to school will accrue and contribute to the amount of time absent from school which will impact a student’s Perfect Attendance or truancy status.  Students may submit up to ten parent notes PER YEAR to excuse tardies to school; doctors’ notes are unlimited. All students who are tardy to school must report to the Attendance/AP office to sign in.  The appropriate consequence will be assigned unless appropriate documentation is provided for an excused tardy.


Any student who has attained the age of six (6) years, but has not reached his or her eighteenth birthday, who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three (3) or more days, or tardy without valid excuse on three (3) or more days, is truant.

Perfect Attendance

In order for students to have perfect attendance for the school year, there must be no tardies or absent minutes for the school year.