Primary Talent Pool

What is Primary Talent Pool?

Primary Talent Pool (PTP) includes K-3 students who have been identified as having the ability or demonstrating the potential ability to perform at exceptionally high levels in the primary years. They are generally referred to as high-potential learners. High-potential students often learn and comprehend at a faster pace than their grade level peers. They may demonstrate more complex thinking and gain skills at an accelerated rate. The purpose of identifying students at this level is to provide early enrichment opportunities and to encourage the development of their talents.

Here are some characteristics common in primary high potential learners:

Students are often initially referred by classroom teachers for participation in PTP. additional evidence demonstrating the student's abilities is collected. a school committee then reviews the evidence to determine if a primary student is a high-potential Learner & should be included in the Primary Talent Pool.

Students in the PTP should receive differentiated services that are matched to their needs, interests, and abilities. This may be reflected in cluster grouping in the classroom for instruction at an advanced level or enrichment services delivered by a Gifted & Talented Specialist. 

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A great site to play with Tangram puzzles. Pair it with a reading of Grandfather Tang's Story to add some fun!!

Mensa for Kids

Great learning games for kids and access to some good information for parents!