Journalism & Communication Magnet Application

Founded in 1984, duPont Manual High School’s Journalism & Communications Magnet is a unique and exciting high school program that has grown in the last decade to become a model of 21st century learning, challenging students to be innovative, enterprising, creative, and well versed in media and technology. J+C students take exciting and instantly applicable communications-related courses under teachers with professional experience. Click here to visit the J+C webpage and learn more about this nationally recognized program.

The following items are required to apply to the J+C magnet:

Two Written Essays  (maximum 500 words each)

Applicants should have received an invitation in early January to join the on demand writing assessment, which took place on Jan. 25. If you did not receive an invitation or missed the event for other reasons, please email liz.palmer@jefferson.kyschools.us and kristafer.abplanalp@jefferson.kyschools.us. 

Performance Task

Submit a digital document that includes one to three of the following examples of original student work in the categories below. Make sure your sharing settings allow others to access your document and any links to work (such as YouTube videos) you include. 

Pick up to 3:

Rules for submission:

A completed Activities and Interest survey
List your most important activities first, especially those that relate to your magnet choice. Be sure to include any leadership positions and record volunteer time in months or years. Please include any work, volunteer, sport, club, awards, recognition, and anything else that helps us know more about you outside of school.

TWO recommendations from teachers. 

We will obtain your attendance, transcript, school administered test scores and grades from JCPS. You do not need to provide this information with your application. However, if you have taken the ACT or SAT and wish to include your score report, please do so.

IF YOU HAVE NOT ATTENDED A JCPS SCHOOL, please submit the following with your application:

Please note – Attendance is part of the application review. If your student has had a significant attendance issue in the last three years, you may include a brief letter/documentation to explain the absences.

Approved by Magnet Team (LP) 9/2022