Business: In today's globalized world, understanding business principles is vital regardless of one's chosen career path. By exploring the business field, students learn essential skills such as financial literacy, negotiation, marketing, and leadership. These skills not only prepare them for entrepreneurship but also enhance their ability to succeed in any industry they choose to pursue.


Culinary Excellence: The culinary arts not only offer the opportunity to create tantalizing dishes but also foster creativity, teamwork, and discipline. By encouraging our students to explore this field, we enable them to develop skills that transcend the kitchen. Culinary arts teach the importance of attention to detail, time management, and the ability to adapt quickly - all valuable traits applicable to various professions. 

Dr. Thompson Ph.D. Ky State University School of Aquaculture posing with Chef. Neet and his teachers manual. 

Dr. Thompson and our 7th grade science teacher Ms. Black.  Chef Neet and Ms. Black are collaborating and bring the  aquaphonics learning experence to our scholars.

Mr. Marshall with Kentucky State University Co-teaching with Chef Neet most Wednesdays.

Mr. Johnson, our Afrocentric instructional coach, works with Chef Neet's class as they discuss food deserts.

This was the first of many! 🤩

Thank you to all of our guests!!


Engineering Innovations: Engineering is a field that has the potential to change the world. By exposing our young men to the wonders of engineering, we open doors to limitless possibilities. Through hands-on experiences and creative problem-solving challenges, students learn to think critically and develop solutions for real-world issues. This exposure paves the way for future leaders in any career field.