Assistant Principals

Darin Cain

Assistant Principal

Greetings Crums Lane family and friends, my name is Darin Cain. As the Assistant Principal at our school, I welcome each day with joy and enthusiasm to make Crums Lane the best school in the area.

The mission that all staff share for our school includes:

·        Nurturing each student with compassion

·       Engaging each student in a rigorous curriculum

·       Empowering each student to be a global citizen

I truly believe that changing the world for the better starts HERE, at the elementary public school level. We, at Crums Lane, will prepare students for their next level with a rigorous curriculum in a caring and compassionate community. I promise you that there exists no school with a harder working staff than ours. We look forward to educating your child in a safe and inclusive environment!

headshot picture

Maggie Madrick