About Explorers International

Explorers International specializes in educational group travel to Spanish-speaking countries and beyond, offering students opportunities for language immersion and cultural exploration. Combining the power of experiential learning with the thrill of global travel, our tours help students:​​

  • ​Expand their knowledge of the world around them

  • Understand new people, places, and cultures

  • Discover more about themselves

  • Grow more confident and independent

When students grow in these ways, they become more curious, more open-minded, and more excited about the future. Our program focuses on Spain and Latin America, however we frequently add other European countries to our itinerary when visiting Spain. Current or past Spanish classes are NOT a requirement and we welcome students from the entire Ballard community. We hope you will explore the exciting itineraries we are offering over the next few years!

We have two tours scheduled for 2021: the first to Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands, and then also Spain & Portugal. We are planning on Latin America (probably Peru & Machu Pichu) for Spring Break 2022 and would welcome incoming Freshmen to participate!

Spain & Italy 2019

Costa Rica 2018

Ballard's Fall Europe Trip

Ballard's Fall Europe Trip has taken students to over 15 European states over the last 20 years. The current group of teachers that lead the trip have travelled together for 11 years. Students on this trip are required to take a Humanities class, where they learn about the places and cultures they will be visiting, and get to know their peers and teachers.

We are traveling to London, Paris, Bruges, and Amsterdam in the fall of 2021. Members of the class of 2025 will be eligible to participate in the fall Europe trip in the fall of 2022, 2023, or 2024.

2018 Lisbon - Harbor

2018 Spain - Seville

2018 Spain - Cooking School in Madrid

2019 Munich - German Dancing School

2019 Prague - Prague Cathedral

2019 Slovakia - View from Bratislava Castle