My Green City Project

 During this project you will grow your understanding of the world, focusing on how cities are engines of growth, but they also come with a cost. Due to industry and humans, many cities are producing high carbon emissions causing damage to the planet.  However,  many cities are supporting the United Nations 11 th Goal to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable .  During your research you will focus on green technologies, green systems and how cities are implementing green technologies and systems to reduce their carbon footprint. You will use this information to create a new city that is earth friendly.

Focus question: What green technologies and systems can be used by cities to reduce their carbon footprint?

My Green City Project

After research, you will create a new city (My Green City) that is earth friendly. Include details from your research to create the following:

The following are the links to the project outline/rubric for the My Green City project and the graphic organizer you will use to write your notes.  I will make paper copies to hand out during library class. Also are links to the map key template and Google Slide presentation template.

Project Resources

There are many great resources you can use to gather information for this project including: information books, ebooks, library databases, websites and videos.  Please use the suggested resources for research.  If you plan to use the Google search engine to locate sources please make sure you are using reliable sites.

Code:  cng8765

There are links to books under the 5th grade assignments.  

Powered By The Sun book

Library Databases

The Following are helpful keywords and phrases you can use to search each of the databases:

Explora- Cities climate change or cities global warming or sustainable cities

Middle Search Plus - Green City or green cities

KYVL- Universal- sustainable cities

Britannica School - Sustainability

Gale in Context - Sustainable cities or Green Cities

Symbaloo Resource Box

The Symbaloo Box has links to resources you will find helpful in your research.  Click on the box to go to the site, video or book.

1st Line: 5th Grade Teacher Recommended Resources

3rd-5th Line: Librarian Recommended Resources

6th Line: Books

More articles:

Transparent Wood


My Green City Model: 
At Home Project

After you complete your research, you will build a Green City Model.  This model can be  a 2D drawing, 3D model or tech model (ex Mine Craft) of your sustainable city.

Please read the My Green City Directions and Rubric so you will know what to add to your model.

The following resources will help you as you build your model.

READ this guide, it outlines the requirements and gives you tips!

Use this template to create a map key for your model.

At School:

Persausive Explanatory Piece: 

During library class you will produce a persausive explantory Google Slide Presentation to present to the residents of your city to gain their support. In this presentation explain why each green feature you chose in your model is an efficient choice that lowers the carbon footprint.The link below is a template that will guide you through this part of the project.  

Google Slide Presentation