Ocean Plastic Pollution Conservation Project

Plastic water bottles and other plastics are being used and discarded faster than they can be recycled. Even worse, some plastics cannot be recycled. A large amount of this plastic ends up in our waterways. Our ocean is filled with plastics from water bottles and take out containers to teeny tiny plastic particles you need a microscope to see.  All this plastic is impacting the aquatic environment and animals. 

What can we do with all that plastic? 

Project Focus

During your research you will focus on plastic and how it  effects the aquatic environments and animals. You, our future ready changemakers,  will use this information to spread awareness about this problem and also innovate a way to help prevent plastic pollution.

Focus Question: What can we do to reduce the effects of plastic pollution to help the
waterways and aquatic animals?

Objective: Know the importance of preventing plastic pollution by understanding what plastic
pollution is and its effect on aquatic animals and their environment.

A Scout Troop in Japan chose to spread awareness about using reusable beeswax wraps as an alternative to wasteful cling wrap. 

My Ocean Plastic Pollution Conservation Project

After research, your research group will create a presentation to spread awareness about the plastic pollution problem and a product to help reduce the amount of used plastics entering our waterways: 

The following are the links to the checklist of the tasks you will need to complete the the project, research organizer you will use to write your notes and the rubric.  I will make paper copies to hand out during library class:

Cite Your Sources
Don't forget to create a bibliography of the sources you used for your project. You must use at least 1 nonfiction book, 1 database article and 1 website for your project.  Use one of the following sites to help your create your citation for your bibliography: 

Project Resources

There are many great resources you can use to gather information for this project including: information books, ebooks, library databases, websites and videos.  Please use the suggested resources for research.  If you plan to use the Google search engine to locate sources please make sure you are using reliable sites.

Code:  cng8765

There are links to Plastic Pollution Collection under the 4th grade assignments.  

Once you log into MackinVia, click on the Groups tab in the side menu  to locate the Plastic Pollution collection of books.

Library Databases

The Following are helpful keywords and phrases you can use to search each of the databases:

PebbleGo- Plastic as Material
Britannica School - Plastic
Explora- Plastic, Plastic Pollution, Ocean Trash, Garbage Patch

Gale in Context - Plastic Waste

National Geographic Kids- Plastic Pollution, Plastic Waste

Database Articles

Plastic Resources

Plastic Pollution Student All Websites
Plastic Pollution - Plastic Websites

Problem with Plastic Resources

How Plastic is Harming Animals 

Plastic Pollution- Problem with Plastics Websites
Plastic Pollution- How Plastic is Affecting Animals Websites

How Professionals are Helping 

How You Can Help Resources

Plastic Pollution- How Professionals are Helping Websites
Plastic Pollution - How You Can Help Websites

Threatened Animal Symbaloo
Click on the tiles below to find websites about animals.  Look for information about your animal on these websites.

Group Presentation: 

Show what you learned to spread awareness about the plastic pollution issue.
Student groups will create one of the following to spread awareness about how plastic and microplastics hurt the aquatic environment and their chosen animal. Choose 1

___ Fact card ___ Electronic poster ___ Slideshow


Group Product

Create a way to reduce the amount of used plastics entering the Aquatic environment.
Remember only choose 1- Advocate or Innovate

Write a 60 second call to action which tells the urgency of the growing plastic pollution problem and how people can help. Include facts and examples about how plastic is hurting your animal and the aquatic environment where they live.

 Choose 1

___ Radio announcement 


___ Infomercial (is a commercial that informs people about a subject)

As industrial designers create a 3D Model - Choose 1:

____ Re-Use It! Repurpose a used plastic item into something new.


____ Eliminate Using It! Create an item typically made of plastic with environmentally friendly material.


____Clean it Up! Create a device or technique to clean up plastic in an aquatic environment. 

You must include a written explanation: