Thank you, Ms. Neysa!

A grateful goodbye: thank you to Neysa Jones

By: Asha Valentine

Neysa Jones has been a teacher at the J Graham Brown School for 34 years. Hitting the ground running in 1990, Jones won Best First Year Teacher in the state of Kentucky. Throughout her career, she has taught all grades in a wide array of subjects including Drama, Creative Writing, AP Literature, Journalism, African American Literature, African American History, AP Seminar, and many, many more. Safe to say, a woman of many trades.

“Neysa really helped me find my passion for Black literature. She's a huge reason I chose to major in English,” says senior Janelle Pitmon.

Since 2020, Jones has been the head of the Brown School BSU. Giving her students the spotlight, she lets them lead while she works to coordinate opportunities, meetings, and events created by students, including the annual Black History Month program.

“She really has you think,” comments Pitmon, “encouraging conversations and learning things for yourself.”

“I think she has been one of the most important coworkers I have ever had” says English teacher Jason Linden. “She is there for me in so many ways,” he adds, “always there to answer my dumb questions and working so hard to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for students and teachers alike.”

Many students agree that their time in Jones classes has been nothing short of life changing to their learning.

“She really put her complete faith in me,” comments our Editor in Chief Charlotte Meeley. “I really was able to be confident in my abilities and do more than I ever thought because of her trust.”

Jones is renowned for her self-directed teaching style, letting students almost learn to teach themselves.

“She pushes you out of your comfort zone,” says Meeley, “helping you help yourself you know? Her classes are difficult, but she knows you can do it,” she adds.

Jones has also always taken a personal interest in her students by supporting them in, and out of the classroom.

“Neysa has really been there as a shoulder to cry on for me,” says senior Peytience McMillen. “She always listens and gives me great advice.”

For some of us, Jones has been a part of our lives before we even knew it. “She helped me create my own class with my own curriculum,” says Brown School alumni (and my dad) Jason Hester. When I was applying to Brown 4 years ago, I remember my dad telling me: “I really loved her class. I hope you get to have her as a teacher."

Neysa Jones has been such a powerful role model and incredible teacher to so many. The Brown School won't be the same without her as she heads into her well-deserved retirement. As we close out this year, we say our thanks to her. We will miss you Neysa!

Neysa through the years...

and Neysa with her final classes!

Photos courtesy of Neysa Jones & Asha Valentine.