duPont Manual

High School 

Back to School 2024-2025

July 31



(Crimson Day)



August 1



August 1



August 1



(Senior Seminar)



August 2

Make-Up for ALL


All back to school registration tasks can be completed on-line via the links provided in each section of this site. 

School Messenger, duPont Manual website, and this site will provide updated information regarding registration.

Students may attend in person during times listed above to pick up a paper copy of their schedule.  (Schedules can be accessed electronically via IC in late July.)  You will have an opportunity to purchase: spirit wear, Crimson Cards, Ram Cards, cap and gown, yearbook, and membership for PTSA as well as magnet booster organizations. (All items are also available to be purchased on-line)

All fees can be paid through My School Bucks. Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals may have course/school based fees waived.  However, all students are responsible for their annual class dues as these dues supplement the many activities each class hosts for their graduation cohort.  This includes reduced costs for dances, proms, grade level activities, senior week activities, etc.  Additional information regarding fee waiver can be found here.  If you have recently applied for and received fee waiver, please bring your Verification form (printable version)

**Schedule changes may change course fees and new fees will need to be paid via My School Bucks.  Add/drop form can be found here

All freshman are invited to Crimson Day on July 31st, 2024.  Additional information regarding the day's activities and registration information can be found here.  Students who attend Crimson Day will complete the registration process as part of the day’s activities.  Any freshmen unable to attend Crimson Day may attend the registration session from 2:00pm-3:30pm or attend the make up registration session on August 2nd, from 9:00am- 11:00am.

Make up in person registration for all grades will be available for all August 2nd, from 9:00am- 11:00am. 

Important JCPS Links

All registration items can be completed virtually. 

In-Person registration is an optional event.  

Virtual Registration step by step Start here

Step 1: Required Form, Medical Forms, Additional Documents

If you have not done so already, please complete the Student Transportation Verification for the 2024-2025 school year.  The majority of Manual families will mark “car rider” for their transportation this year. However, families who have been notified for receiving the services list below will have their transportation designation marked by the District.

Paper copies of the forms will be available during registration dates if needed.  

Additional Documents:

Under FERPA, an eligible student (or the parent(s) or guardians if you are under 18) has the right to request that inaccurate or misleading information in his or her education records be amended. While a school is not required to amend education records in accordance with an eligible student's request, the school is required to consider the request. If the school decides not to amend a record in accordance with an eligible student's request, the school must inform the student of his or her right to a hearing on the matter. If, as a result of the hearing, the school still decides not to amend the record, the eligible student has the right to insert a statement in the record setting forth his or her views. That statement must remain with the contested part of the eligible student's record for as long as the record is maintained.

This form may not be used to challenge a grade, an opinion, or a substantive decision made by a school about an eligible student. If the request is for a name change without legal documentation, remember that some permanent documents in the record will remain under the legal name until a legal name change is procured. Until then, the student’s preferred name will be shown on all teacher rosters, report cards and attendance reports. Legal names will show on standardized test results and official transcripts.  Amendment of Educational Record Form

Step 2: Schedules, Schedule Changes, Fees, ID's, School Supply Information 


You will be able to access your school schedule on Infinite Campus in early August.  

Schedule changes can be made through the Add/drop form found here.


Fees will be available in My School Bucks on the registration date.  NOTE: If you are a YPAS student or taking a YPAS class and plan to pay via  check please bring 2 checks.  School Messenger, duPont Manual website, and this registration site will provide updated information. Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals may have some fees waived. If you have recently applied for and received fee waiver, please bring your Verification form.  Additional information regarding fee waiver can be found here.

*Any schedule changes may change course fees and new fee will need to be paid via My School Bucks. Please do not pay fees for classes you anticipate dropping or changing.  Add/drop form can be found here. 

Fees can be paid in-person via cash or check during the in-Person registration day. If you are unable to attend registration and wish to pay with cash or check, you may do so in the main office starting the week of August 12th. School Messenger, duPont Manual website, and this registration site will provide updated information. Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals may have course/school based fees waived.  However, all students are responsible for their annual class dues as these dues supplement the many activities each class hosts for their graduation cohort.  This includes reduced costs for dances, proms, grade level activities, senior week activities, etc.  Additional information regarding fee waiver can be found here.

Classroom Supplies 

At the high school level, students will receive individual class supply lists class by class on the opening days of school.  However, we know it's “Back to School Shopping Time!!!”  Below is a list of basic supplies that are recommended: 

(various colors-students may do peer editing.)

(Students take up to EIGHT (8) classes)

(water bottle filling drinking fountains are available)

(Many students have use two backpacks  One for Red Day, one for White Day)

JCPS families who need assistance with clothing are eligible to receive items twice each year through the Clothing Assistance Program (CAP). Each student enrolled at JCPS is eligible to receive the following:

In addition to the new uniforms, families are able to shop the assorted gently used clothing at CAP. All of these items are provided to families for free thanks to generous donors. All requests must be scheduled in advance through a JCPS Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC). To schedule a visit to CAP, contact your child’s school and ask for the FRYSC or call (502) 485-3703.

Student ID's

If you have a recent picture in infinite campus this will be used for your 2024-2025 student ID card.  A photo station will be available during the in-person registration event to take photos for all students that DO NOT have a recent photo. Opportunities to get your photo taken will also occur the first few weeks of school during all lunches in the Main Office.  

Student ID's will be distributed during registration.  If you are unable to attend the in person registration your ID will be available the first day of school during homeroom.  

Step 3: Class of 2025 only

All other classes please skip to Step 4

Parking Information 


As you may know, there are more seniors than parking spots available (at Manual and YPAS).  Thus, each year, we conduct a lottery for parking passes. For the 2024-2025 school year, parking will be for Seniors only.

To enter the senior parking pass lottery, complete the Google form linked here

or you can submit in-person at Manual during the senior registration event on August 1st.

The senior parking pass lottery closes for submissions just before midnight on August 1st. No exceptions!

Senior parking passes will be drawn on August 2nd and the lucky winners' names will be posted on Manual's Registration website by 6:00 PM on August 2nd.

All seniors who win a parking pass in the lottery drawing must* come to the Manual Main Office (or send a representative) between 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM on Monday, August 5th or Tuesday, August 6th to present their unrestricted driver's license and pay the $20 parking fee.  

*Students who are out of town due to summer enrichment programs and trainings will be able to pick up their parking pass the first day of school.

Best Buddies is sponsoring a fundraiser which will allow you to paint your Manual parking spot, on September 14, 2024 (Rainout date September 21, 2024). YPAS Parking spots will not be eligible to be painted. Deadline to register to paint your spot is not later than September 6, 2024.  Additional Information can be found here.

Cap and Gown

Josten's: Link

-Items are currently being added to the School Store on the Josten's site!  We will inform the senior class when all items are available for viewing and purchasing via the Class of 2025 google classroom.  

Senior Picture Information

Senior check list: Document 

Get your senior photos 

Submit your senior quote 

Get your senior ad 

Order a yearbook ($65 pre sale) 

Step 4: Additional Items (Optional)


Order your yearbook online: here

Our school code is: 10617 

You will also be able to order in-person if you would prefer during the in-person registration.  

Class Rings

Josten's: Link

CRIMSON CARD – Manual students only

Students Only ($100)

Covers the following:

(does not include tournaments or postseason events).

RAM CARD – Adults (Non-Students)

Adults Only ($90)

Covers the following:

Manual Students ONLY

Adults-non Students

Spirit Wear 

YPAS: click here

Manual: Available during registration at the book store 

(in the main cafeteria)

Parent Teacher Organizations and Boosters Information


Linked below is the registration map for in person registration.