
Please click or tap on a video to view that video.

Ms. Bergkamp - World Language and Cultures, Spanish 1

At WJMS, Ms. Bergkamp teaches World Language and Cultures, Spanish I and French I (based on student enrollment).

To contact Ms. Bergkamp:

World Languages - 6th grade showcase.mp4

Mrs. Dignan - Art

At WJMS, Mrs. Dignan can be found in the Art room.

To contact Mrs. Dignan:

Dignan Showcase 21-22.mp4

Ms. Myers - ALP Elective

At WJMS, Ms. Myers can be found in room 301.

To contact Ms. Myers:

GT Enrichment Showcase Video.mp4

Mr. Peel - Intro to STEM, Pre-Engineering, Robotics

At WJMS, Mr. Peel teaches Intro to Engineering and Robotics.

To contact Mr. Peel:

  • Email:


Mrs. Popejoy - Physical Education

At WJMS, Mrs. Popejoy can be found in the gym.

To contact Mrs. Popejoy:


Mr. Sage - Choir, Drama, Tech Theatre

At WJMS, Mr. Sage teaches choir, drama, and tech theatre.

To contact Mr. Sage:

Sage Showcase Video.mp4

Mrs. Sarché - Band, Orchestra

At WJMS, Mrs. Sarché can be found in the band room.

To contact Mrs. Sarché :


Mr. Wooldridge - Computer Applications, Digital Graphics and Design

At WJMS, Mr. Wooldridge teaches Computer Applications, Computer Graphics, and Video Game Design.

To contact Mr. Wooldridge:

Wooldridge 6th Grade Showcase.mp4