Westridge Library

Welcome to the Westridge Library! My name is Mrs. Reed. I know, great name for a librarian right!?

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was raised in Northglenn, Colorado and went to college at Mesa State College (now Colorado Mesa University) in Grand Junction, CO. About a year after graduating from Mesa, I started teaching second grade at Westridge. I have now been at Westridge longer than I'd like to admit. I taught 2nd and 3rd grade at Westridge for 15 years and then I moved into the library. This is my 8th year in the library! Yes, I have called Westridge my home for 23 years! Time flies when you're having fun! Westridge is an amazing school and community that I am proud to say I am a part of.

I believe that Westridge has an amazing community of teachers and students. I believe this so deeply that I had my own two children open enrolled at Westridge. They are now in middle school and high school. My girls are amazing! As a family we love to run, bike, hike, paddle board, ski, rock climb and go camping. We love living in Colorado and enjoying everything is has to offer. We also are huge fans of the beach and try to to escape to one whenever we have a chance!

After receiving my bachelor's degree from Mesa, I attended CU Denver and received my Master's degree in Educational Technology. After many years in the classroom, I decided that it was time to combine two of my passions. Those two passions being working with kids and technology. Becoming our Digital Teacher Librarian allows me to work with all students at Westridge and to help immerse our students and staff in rich literature and technology experiences.

One of my favorite parts of being a teacher is learning from your children. Each of them brings something unique to my library. I look forward to working with you and your kid(s) this year.

Contact Info: christi.reed@jeffco.k12.co.us or 303-982-3932