Miss. Schurbon

"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how AMAZING you can be." -Maya Angelou

Miss. Schurbon

Hi! A little info about me...

Wilmore Davis has been my home for 13 years. I worked here as a para educator, then I student taught here and got a job right out of college. This will be my 10th year as a classroom teacher. I taught kindergarten for three years, first and second grade for one year each and I have been in fourth and fifth grade for four years.

I graduated with a Bachelors in Special Education with an Elementary concentration from Metro State University.

Some goals that I have for my students include:

  • developing independence and accountability

  • building social emotional skills such as empathy and kindness

  • developing collaboration skills that they can use in the classroom and in the larger community

  • creating responsibility both in their actions and school work

I am a huge sports fan, Broncos in particular. I love to workout and be home with my dogs. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and family.

Ms. Schurbon's Favorite Things

Theme Song: I Lived

Vacationing in Seattle

My boys; Max and Bandit

Tough Mudder