Social Awareness

Social Awareness

Our world is an ever-changing place, even more so than ever. The digital age has brought information, and misinformation, to the forefront of people's minds. This section looks to investigate world events, issues, and struggles to better understand the life we as humans live through.

Recent & Relevant Articles

Student Commuters on RTD

Many students at the Open School rely on RTD bus and train services to get to school and back every day - but students don't always feel safe. This article takes an in-depth examination into issues relating to safety around RTD busses, trains, and stations.

Colorado River Drying Up

Climate change has affected many things and people, and the Colorado river is drying up because of it. A rise in global temperatures is leading to the drying of the great river, which supplies water for millions across the U.S.

Bicycle Infrastructure in Denver

Denver is a city filled with bikers, but much of the city isn't built to support them. This article takes an in-depth look into what commuting on a bicycle is like in Denver, and how it can be improved.