The PE Life

My Goal is to continuously strive to promote healthy living throughout the lives of all students!

I attempt to engage every student reguardless of their abilities, in some form of activity that they like to participate in. I firmly believe that physical activity sets students up for success throughout the rest of their lives, even if that means walking or riding bikes instead of playing an actual sport.

​In Class:

Kindergarten through 3rd grade will been mastering and practicing a variety of skills. These include:

MC's-Walk, Run, Jog, Skip, Leap, Gallop, Hop (1 foot), Jump (2 feet), Side Slide!

ST's-Straight lines, curved lines, Zig-Zags, High, medium and Low levels, as well as Fast, medium and slow speeds!

They also will begin Chasing, Fleeing, and Dodging (Evasion and Pursuit Games), Throwing and Catching and Striking with a long handled(hockey) and short handled(badminton) instruments.

UP NEXT: Review Unit of New and Old games practicing all the skills above, December: Jumping, Landing, Balance, Coordination and beginning gymnastics

4th, 5th, and 6th Grades practice the skills throughout the time they are in the gymnasium but are starting to apply concepts like offense, defense as well as playing invasion, net/wall, and target games. Currently: Flag Frenzy, Hand Ball, Speed Ball.

MS-These students will engage in Sport Education Concepts and activities throughout the remainder of the semester, it may not be traditional "sport" but building relationships and carrying your weight for the team will be more focused

Up NEXT: Depends on when we can have full PE participation

Final notice and Reminder to all!!!

*Water bottles are Permitted in the gym and are highly encouraged throughout the week when your students have PE, NO DRINKING FOUNTAIN ACCESSIBLE

*Also appropriate footwear is REQUIRED to participate. Usually, flats, heels, non-flat boots, flip-flops, sandals and anything forgotten that does not cover the heel AND the toes are not allowed to be used in the gymnasium for any cardiovascular physical activity.

*Any questions feel free to come see me and talk about the shoes in question, I would just hate for something bad to happen that could easily have been prevented!

*Masks must be worn but a signal for a quick mask break will be given as long as students are 6ft apart, will vary depending on activity and space provided for the day

*Comfortable Clothing should be worn any time your student has PE (dress for success)

I will periodically update this page will all types of information about class and things so be sure to come back regularly.