
Registration-Elective requests

Registration at SRMS 24-25 Enrollment

6th Grade  Samantha Dobson

7th Grade  Justin Obermeyer

     8th Grade  Craig Enlund

Information regarding High School Credit in Middle School 

Incoming 6th Grade

Incoming 7th Grade

Incoming 8th Grade

SRMS Schedule Change Policy

No changes made after requests have been completed

Summit Ridge Families:

         Please be aware that schedules will only be adjusted if there are the following issues:

1.  Missing a course

2.  Wrong level of a course

3.  Missing an MYP requirement

4.  Duplicate Course

Reasons Schedules will not be adjusted:

1.  Request of different team

2.  Request of different teacher(s)

3.  I have changed my mind in regards to my elective choices

4.  I didn’t get my 1st choice of electives

5.  My friend(s) are on a different team/in a different class