About Sra. Heinz

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!     My name is Señora Heinz and I am so glad that you have chosen to take Spanish this year! This is my 15th year teaching Spanish and my fifth year at Creighton. Before this, I taught for two years at Arvada K-8 and for eight years at a middle school in Alaska, where I lived for nearly 12 years.

Machu Picchu, PERU


volunteering, TANZANIA

I began studying Spanish in 7th grade and continued through college. I received a Bachelor's in International Studies with an emphasis in Spanish and Latin America. I also spent a semester going to a university in Costa Rica, which instilled in me a stronger love for Spanish and traveling. After college, I joined the Peace Corps and was sent to Azerbaijan. Upon returning, I moved to Alaska and obtained my Master's in Education. My hope is to impart the same love of culture and language to my students.


Elephant refuge, THAILAND

Lake Titicaca, PERU/BOLIVIA

When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time with my husband and my two sons. We like to hike, spend time in nature, and visit Alaska whenever we can.

Summer visit, ALASKA


Again, I am so happy that you have decided to embark on this adventure of learning another language and I am looking forward to an amazing year!