Mrs. Murnan's Social Studies Website

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I would like to update you on the procedures for my virtual classroom starting Tuesday, March 17th.

My lessons and assignments will be posted daily on my Google Calendar on the Drake Middle School website. The students know how to access my website and will be able to see and download the materials and instructions necessary to complete the assignments. The first assignment happens to be a week long CIA World Factbook research project, which they have the entire week to do. However, some of the future assignments will be due at the end of the day or possibly with a two day window. I will instruct them through the website as to when certain assignments are due.

Students are expected to check in and answer a warm up question with their signature attached daily, on a Google document that has been shared with them on their Google Drive by 2:30 each school day. This is how I will take attendance during our online learning.

My assigned office hours are 12:00-1:00pm. I will be at my computer and available to online chat with students that have questions or need help during that time. If students have any questions or need to contact me to turn in late work outside of those office hours, they should email me at I will be checking my email frequently between 7:30am-3:30pm, and I will respond to questions during those hours.

If you have any questions, please email me.

Thank you and please stay safe,

Susie Murnan

Social Studies Dept.

Team Steamboat

Drake Middle School


"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

Theodore Roosevelt

7th Grade Eastern Hemisphere Area Studies

Welcome to 7th Social Studies! My name is Mrs. Murnan and I am excited to be your social studies teacher this year. We will be learning about and analyzing important events, peoples, culture and places, beginning with the Revolutionary War and throughout the 19th century, including Westward Expansion, the Civil War and the Industrial Revolution, that have significantly impacted our nation's development.

You will often have independent projects and group work. Please let me know if you have questions or comments. Let's learn about the history of the United States!

If you need to contact me:
