
Computer Science Fundamentals

Computer science prepares all learners to be active and informed contributors to our ever evolving technical world. Computer science can be life-changing. While coding, our students are engaged in learning that is relevant to their lives, we feed into their curiosity, and support them in critical thinking skills, and creativity. 

During our time together, the teacher's role is not one of being the source of knowledge, but rather the leader in seeking knowledge. As for our students, they will explore concepts and build their understandings through various physical and online activities. Off of the computer, our learners will collaborate and communicate during games, discussions, and creative tasks. When programming on computers, students are encouraged to share ideas or work collaboratively as pair programmers. The goal is to develop a common foundation upon which all learners can understand computer science concepts, regardless of prior experience.

Our coders will learn to program using commands like loops and events. Students will also learn how to meaningfully collaborate with others, investigate different problem-solving techniques, persist in the face of challenging tasks, and learn about internet safety. 

Ethical Digital Citizenship

Digital Footprint & Identity

In this lesson, students consider the feelings of themselves and others when making decisions about when, where, and how much to use technology.

Privacy & Security 

In this lesson, students understand how the power of the internet allows students to experience and visit places they might not be able to see in person. But, just like traveling in the real world, it's important to be safe when traveling online. On this virtual field trip, kids can practice staying safe on online adventures.

Media Balance & Well-Being

In this lesson, students explore how weather it's watching TV or playing on a tablet, using tech can be super fun! Often, kids find it hard to transition from an online activity to an offline one. They will learn a simple routine for how to manage those inevitable digital interruptions that are part of everyone's lives in the digital age.

Research Headquarters

Digital Literacy