Restorative Practices
Van Arsdale will be using Restorative Practices and Proactive Circles throughout the school year.
What is Restorative Practice? Restorative Practices is a term used to describe a relationship-oriented approach (rather than a punishment-oriented one) to resolving issues that arise in school. The five Rs of Restorative Practice are relationship, respect, responsibility, repair, and reintegration.
Proactive Circles-- happen weekly in the classroom for the purpose of connection and belonging (usually a question with a brief answer where everyone participates)
Responsive Circles--happen as needed in classrooms to address incidents that may cause harm (bullying, playground conflict, or unsafe behavior) or denote a change in the community (new student or a student’s last day)
Informal Conferences--used to talk to an individual or small group about an issue (student/teacher conflict, habitual tardies, etc.) using 4 questions (What happened? Who did it affect? What might you have done differently? What is a solution so it doesn’t happen again?) to reflect on effects of the behavior
Preconferences--fact-finding review of the 4 questions with each individual in conflict prior to determine whether to put them together in a formal RP Conference
RP Conferences--conference with two people in conflict or a reintegration of a student who has been suspended that results in a signed, mutually agreeable and student-generated solution
How can you support your student at home?
Use the 4 questions when helping your student to problem solve through a conflict they have at home.
Take turns answering relationship building questions around the dinner table. You can get some ideas here: [link in question topics here]