PBIS at Moore

Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a process to create a safe, positive, and productive learning environment for all children.

At our school, MUSTANG behavior expectations include the "5 C's:" We are a Community that is Collaborative, Creative, Caring, Challenging and Consistent.

Rewards and celebrations occur in classrooms and throughout the building to let students know that we see how amazing they are and how hard they are working every day to model these MUSTANG behavior expectations!

Students earn Moore bucks for adhering to the 5 C's. They can use their Moore bucks to purchase fun items at our Moore store every Friday! We also offer Quarterly Incentive Trips that students can work towards.

How can you support your student at home?

-A core principle of PBIS that you can use at home is the 5:1 rule. For every corrective statement made, provide five positive statements or praises of your student's behavior.

-Use your schools acronym and expectations to reinforce student behavior at home

-Talk to your student about what these behavior expectations look like at home and in the community