Rooney Ranch Positive Behavior Support

Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a process to create a safe, positive, and productive learning environment for all children. At Rooney, we use the acronym "Let's R.O.A.R." to remind students to focus on Respect, Ownership, Achievement, and Responsibility.

When students are seen demonstrating these ROAR expectations, they are noticed and acknowledged. We appreciate how hard staff and students work to model these positive behavior expectations at Rooney!

In addition to redefining, teaching, practicing, and acknowledging these school-wide expectations, Rooney is also working to create consistency around office vs. classroom managed behaviors and instructional consequences. This year, we are using SWIS, a School-wide Information System, to document office referrals. Behavior referrals are used as an information tool for problem solving and decision-making in the PBIS framework to ensure we are continually improving the way we teach, practice, and acknowledge these behaviors.

How can you support your student at home?

-A core principle of PBIS that you can use at home is the 5:1 rule. For every corrective statement made, provide five positive statements or praises of your child's behavior.

-Use ROAR and other school expectations to reinforce student behavior at home.

-Talk to your student about what these behavior expectations look like at home and in the community.