About Mrs. Wintersteen

I am thrilled to be teaching Individuals & Societies at Summit Ridge!  A life-long history geek, I have always been fascinated with the social sciences.  I earned a BA in Political Science from Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia and completed my teaching license and MA in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Denver.  I  began teaching next door at Powderhorn Elementary in 2000.  Over the years, I have taught kindergarten, fourth grade, sixth grade, and seventh grade.     

My hobbies include skiing, hiking, playing tennis, reading, baking, and traveling with my husband and our son.  Originally from Rhode Island, two of my greatest loves are the beach and the New England Patriots.  

I look forward to working with you this year!  

Me in middle school--  What can I say...it was the 80s!

My family...I know, I know, my selfie game needs some work!