Kindergarten Daily Lessons

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Table of Contents

Unit 1

Lesson 1

Learning targets and success criteria for today:

Are you ready to have a music lesson with Lindsey?  She is a really good music teacher and today she has lots of fun songs for you to sing with her and a bunch of really fun music games.  Lindsey is also going to teach you about high and low, slow and fast, moving to the beat, and show you a song called “In the Hall of the Mountain King.”  What new songs did you learn with Lindsey?  Can you sing a high note and a low note?  Do you remember what a glissando is?  

This is a really fun dance that we will be learning in music class.  Practice it every day- it's good exercise and will help improve our musical timing with movement.  

Lesson 2

Learning targets and success criteria for today:

Now... let's get started!  

Here is a song to help us practice our steady beat! 

Here is a fun counting song for you to sing along with.  Listen to it several times until you know it- then sing along.  

Here is "Down By The Bay," a song we sing together in music class.  Don't forget the pattern that goes with it- keep the beat: KNEES, CLAP, KNEES CLAP... 

Here is a book called "Hey, Little Ant."  This video shows the pictures and all of the words, 

Now here is the song of "Hey, Little Ant." It's exactly the same as the book but sung instead of spoken.  Did you know that this actually started out as a song and then was turned into a book?  

Lesson 3

Learning targets and success criteria for today:

Now... let's get started!  

Here is another musical lesson with Ms. Lindsey.  Today she will be working with you on singing, steady beat, loud/soft, and fast/slow.  Remember to do all of the motions with Ms. Lindsey and sing along with her.  Do you remember some of the songs from the last lesson?  Do you remember “In the Hall of the Mountain King?” How can you tell the difference between a low pitch and a high pitch?  

This song is called "Over in the Meadow?"  The great thing about this video is that it has all of the words to the song so you can sing along!  

Lesson 4

Learning targets and success criteria for today:

Now... let's get started!  

Here is another great sing-along song for you.  My favorite part about this song is that at the end it teaches you how to say HELLO in a bunch of different languages.  The next time you see me I hope you greet me with a new way of saying HELLO!  

Here is a video that you can sing and play along to.  Try and keep the steady beat going while you sing the words.  During the cherry beat section, follow and repeat the leader.  This is called playing rhythm.  

Even though I don’t like eating them, I am really good at toasting marshmallows.  I enjoy making them for other people to eat and then watching others enjoy them.  I hope if the weather stays warm, you’ll be able to have some campfires and try roasting marshmallows- or at least eating them!  Here is a fun song about toasting marshmallows.  What happens to the marshmallow in this song?  Why did it happen?  What happens at the end of the song?  

Unit 2

Lesson 1

Learning targets and success criteria for today:

Now... let's get started!  

This is our next Music Lesson with Ms. Lindsey.  Today she will be working with you on singing, steady beat, loud/soft, and fast/slow.  Remember to do all of the motions with Ms. Lindsey and sing along with her.  Do you remember some of the songs from the last lesson?  Do you remember “In the Hall of the Mountain King?” How can you tell the difference between a low pitch and a high pitch?  

This game is called "A Tree Fell Down."  You can play this game at home!  Find something in your house that you can both jump over and crawl under and begin the game.  Remember to go the direction that it says to go in the song until the singer changes it to something different.  At the beginning of the song, start with YOUR WAY (over or under). 

Lesson 2

Learning targets and success criteria for today:

Now... let's get started!  

OK, let’s get warmed up and moving.  Watch this video and follow the directions.  Remember to move your body so that it matches with the music.  

Create your own parade!  Click on the link below to make a parade.  After you choose your conductor, you can click on the different instrument players to add them to you parade.  Try playing a few times and adding different combinations of instruments to make your parade sound different each time.  What instrument is your favorite?

This is another really fun song that you can learn to sing called “The Penguin Polka.”  If you watch the penguin closely, you can even learn the dance that goes with this.  Listen to this song a few times until you’ve learned the whole song.  Where does the penguin live?  What does he like to eat?  What is the penguin’s name?  

Lesson 3

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson:

Now... let's get started!  

This is our next Music Lesson with Ms. Lindsey.  Today she will be working with you on singing, steady beat, loud/soft, and fast/slow.  Remember to do all of the motions with Ms. Lindsey and sing along with her.  Do you remember some of the songs from the last lesson?  Do you remember “In the Hall of the Mountain King?” How can you tell the difference between a low pitch and a high pitch?  

This is a really cool game I found that lets you create your own ostinato, or repeating pattern.  First choose what song you’d like: Bamboo Grove, Junkyard, or Magical Forest.  Next, create your own ostinato by moving each of the 8 objects up or down to a level of 0-10.  10 will be the lowest pitch, one will be the highest pitch, and 0 will make that beat a rest (silent).  Change the tempo (speed) of your ostinato by moving the dial at the bottom between red (slow tempo), yellow (medium tempo), or green (fast tempo).  Once you have your ostinato ready, click on the instrument icon to start the song.  Explore all 3 different songs and have fun!

Lesson 4

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson: 

Now... let's get started!  

Here is a lesson on how to do a dance from Zimbabwe- it is a really fun dance and is great exercise.  You will need to imagine a clock on the floor with 12 o’clock in front of you and 6 o’clock behind you.  This lesson starts out easy and then gets harder.  If you are having trouble imagining the clock, try making the numbers with paper and then putting them down on the floor around you.  Now go get moving!  

Do you remember our song "Days of the Week?"  Here is a rhythm pattern that goes along with the song.  Follow the pictures with the song and clap, snap, stamp, or rest along with the music.  

This song is called “A Hippo in My Locker” and is easy to sing along with once you’ve heard it a few times.  What are some animals that they name in the song?  Can you name them all?  Where does each one live?  If you could choose one of these animals to be your pet, which one would you choose?  Do you think they would make a good pet? 

Unit 3

Lesson 1

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson:

Now... let's get started!  

Here is another lesson with the wonderful Ms. Lindsey!  She begins a completely new unit with this lesson, so there are a lot of new songs, as well as a lot of the ones your already know from her.  She teaches many concepts in this lesson: pitch, high/low, movement, rhythm, beat, and melody.  Have fun!  

This is a really fun and addicting activity for creating loops.  When you press start an 8-beat loop will begin.  Simply drag and drop the different icons onto the different singers and they will begin looping their parts automatically.  There are tons of variations that you can make.  Click on the menu to make changes, start over, or even record your loop.  This is so easy to use that even my 2-year-old made an excellent sounding loop!  Did you prefer to have all the singers going at once, or did you keep things more simple?  How would you describe the music that you created?  There are 3 different versions of this game- try all 3!

Lesson 2

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson:

Now... let's get started!  

Do you know the names of all 5 oceans?  Do you know which ocean is the deepest, which one is the shallowest, which one is the warmest, and which one is the biggest?  This song will teach you all of those things and more!  Sing along… practice it a bunch of times until you have it memorized.  

Here is a Sesame Street Band game that you can play.  Click on an instrument to try playing it.  You can choose between Elmo’s xylophone, Oscar’s trash drums, Abby’s guitar, or Cookie Monster’s singing fruits and veggies.  Have fun playing each instrument.  Click on the icons in the top left of the screen for more activities with that instrument.  What was your favorite instrument?

This is a great lesson for practicing our solfege signs and singing.  We are going to be singing many really famous songs in this lesson.  How many can you guess?  Don't forget to sing and make the signs at the same time.  Can you make it through every song?  

Lesson 3

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson:

Now... let's get started!  

Here is our next music lesson with Ms. Lindsey.  You should recognize a bunch of the new songs from her last lesson.  She also introduces you to a few new ones.   She teaches many concepts in this lesson: pitch, high/low, movement, rhythm, beat, and melody.  Have fun!  

Did you know that when you watch a movie, most of the sounds you hear are created much later in a recording studio?  It’s true, the sound effects, the music, and even most of the talking is done after the filming is finished.  This work is done by musicians, composers, and sound engineers.  This game, Angela’s Sound Stage, gives you a little taste of what it’s like to be a sound engineer.  Add sound effects and music to a short movie and then watch your finished film.  Do you think it would be fun to be a sound engineer?  What movie have you watched that used a lot of sound effects?

Lesson 4

Learning targets and success criteria for today:

Now... let's get started!  

Here is a really fun song to sing and move to called "I'm So Happy."  Sing along and move along to the music.  

I know you already know how to count to 5, but this is a super-cool song about counting to 5 by a group called Pentatonix.  They are an a Capella group which means that they don't use any instruments other than their voice.   

Do you remember all of the movements to "Baby Beluga?"  Here is a good way to practice singing the song and doing the movements at the same time.  

Unit 4

Lesson 1

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson:

Now... let's get started!  

It's time for another music lesson with Ms. Lindsey!  Sing along with her as she teaches you many musical concepts like pitch, melody, rhythm, high and low, and movement.  

This is a fun and silly game about hunting a lion.  Try repeating all of the lines of the song and making up motions to go along with each action.  Which part of the song is your favorite?  

Lesson 2

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson:

Now... let's get started!  

Let's keep working on the difference between loud and quiet by singing.  In this song, when we get to the quiet parts, sing as quietly as you can without whispering.  When we get to the loud parts, sing as loud as you can without using your yelling voice.  Don't forget to do the motions while you sing.  

We have been working for awhile on learning the ABC song using sign language.  Now let's try learning the ABCs while moving our body to the music.  

Lesson 3

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson:

Here is another fun lesson with Ms. Lindsey!  Sing along with her as she teaches you many musical concepts like pitch, melody, rhythm, high and low, and movement. 

This is a fun and funny song to sing along to.  Did you know that this song is a parody of another song called "On Top Of Old Smokey?"  Have you ever heard either of these songs?  Have fun singing along!  

Lesson 4

Learning targets and success criteria for this lesson:

Sometimes, when I just have too much energy, I just need to wiggle.  When I feel like that, I usually do the Wiggle Dance.  It's super-easy and fun to learn.  Give it a try!  

Here is a fun and easy Pete The Cat song to sing along to.  The part that repeats over and over is called a Chorus.  Most songs have a chorus- it's usually the part you remember and it's easy to learn.  

The Hokey Pokey is a really old song and dance- I learned it when I was your age, so it must be really old!  Many of you probably already know this song.  If you don't, it's easy to learn.  Sing and dance along!  

Here is one more song with movement and singing for this lesson.  This song has a lot of movements and words.  Can you remember all of them?  You may have to practice this one a bunch of times before you get it.  Have fun!