Beliefs, Roles, & Services

Coaching Vision & Beliefs - Penny Strait (3).pdf

Favorite Quote About Coaching:  

"Coaching is about supporting your teaching practice, not about evaluating your teaching." 

National Center for Systemic Improvement

Favoriate Video about coaching:

Everyone Needs a Coach

An insightful perspective on why everyone needs a coach. 

"I am excited to partner with you this year!" 

Ways to Work With Your Instructional Coach.pdf
Coaching Cycle Infographic.pdf

"When teachers stop learning, so do students." 

Jim Knight

A coaching cycle is all about you! 

A coaching cycle is a process in which a teacher and instructional coach work collaboratively to set an instructional or student learning goal, make a plan for supporting the goal, monitor progress toward the goal, and then reflect on how well the plan supported the goal.

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