My Geological Timescale

7th Grade Science

Learning Target: I will compare events in my life to geological timescales and the history of the Earth so that I understand the features of a geological timescale. I will also learn how to use Google Sheets so that I can create sheets now and in the future to organize information and data effectively. 

Success Criteria: I will know I'm successful when I have created a geological time scale for my own life using all properly vocabulary, mirroring the layout to scienctific geological timescales. 

Let's look at some Geological Timescales

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Vocabulary: Eon, Era, Period/Subperiod, Epoch, Age, Timeline, Timescale, Timespan, Geological Timescale, Index Fossil

Directions for My Geological Timescale

Ms. Nickoloff's Example

Mrs. Weller's Example

National Park Service

Smithsonian Magazine

University of California Museum of Paleontology

Geological Time Scale- Tutorial.webm
Turning In your geological timescale.webm