Ms. Dignan




303.982.3056 x 56553


Each project graded on four categories: Technique, Craftsmanship, Design/Creativity, and Work Ethic/Problem Solving.

Content Progress: Art standards will be assessed through a variety of activities or assignments and are represented in the content progress portion of the grade book. Content progress will account for 40% of the final grade.

Assessments: Assessments are used to determine the mastery of skills or standards. Tests and final projects will be under Assessments in the grade book and will be worth 40% of the final grade.

Work Habits: Students will be provided with a sketchbook/journal to use every day. There will be sketchbook assignments and regular checks to monitor their progress. Students are also expected to follow rules for safety and use materials appropriately. Respect should be given to peers and adults at all times. Work Habits count for 20% of the final grade.
