Welcome to Mrs. Lees' Third Grade!

Welcome to third grade! I'm so excited to be your child's teacher this school year. I will do my best to update this website weekly with new information and frequently used resources. Please feel free to click on the links in the top right corner to learn more about our classroom and find helpful information. I can't wait for all of the fun learning adventures we will have together this year.

Phone Number: 303-982-5489

Class Calendar

Class Wish List

If you are able to donate to our class, please check out our class Amazon wish list. Any orders will be mailed directly to me at the school.

What's New?

Scholastic Book Order

You can order books at any point throughout the year! Please use the code WWTRV so that our class can earn free books.

Lees Curriculum Night

Curriculum Night

Click through the slides presentation to the left for information about our upcoming school year and the curriculum.