Homework Policy

Homework Policy: Homework typically consists of independent reading, math homework, and any unfinished daily class work. Homework is assigned Monday - Thursday when necessary, and generally takes no more than 50 minutes to complete (accommodations are made as needed). Homework is due the following day unless otherwise noted in the student planner. Parent signatures/initials are not necessary unless this has been discussed.

Math Facts: It's super important that you master your multiplication facts early in the year! You will have ongoing homework to practice until you can show your math fact proficiency in class (the benchmark is 30 facts in 3 minutes or less). Fact fluency will help you SO much this year and in the future!

Planner: At the end of each day, our class reflects on what we accomplished during the day and what we will be doing the next day. During this time, I record reminders for students (office reminders, homework assignments, library reminders, etc.) on a class planner under our document camera for students to view. All required homework is highlighted. Students complete this information in their planners to take home each day. Please review this with your child daily and contact me with any questions or concerns.

Friday Folders: Each Friday, students will bring home graded work, weekly newsletters, office handouts, and other important school information. Please review this with your child each week and return the empty folder on Monday.