Welcome to 2nd Grade!

My name is Leslie Rojas and I teach second grade . I have been teaching at the primary level for 16 years. Slater has been my only home for all of my career. I have chosen to come back, year after year, because Slater Elementary is truly a special place to be.

I am a Colorado native and have spent the majority of my life in this beautiful state. I have 3 Fur-babies and I am a dog lover through and through. I also enjoy playing soccer, reading, and helping others. Maui is a favorite place to visit. I also love a great cheeseburger!

As your child's teacher, I will do my best to prepare them with a solid understanding of language, literacy, mathematics, and how the world works through big science and social studies concepts. I will also strive to mold your child into a respectful, responsible, and caring citizen. And of course, I will love them and accept them for who they are.