Video Game Design

We are looking to equip students with the knowledge and experience they need to work as a professional in a variety of industries while empowering them to express themselves through a variety of medias!

All Activities for each day are in quests in Classcraft Students will need to log on and go to quests to get the lesson for each day!

Students need to check in for Attendance everyday!

Use this link to do so!

Recommended Hardware:

  • Portable Storage

The machines in the classroom and set up that if there is a problem they can be quickly reset. In short, if a machine goes bad, we delete all information from the machine and re-image the Operating System & all applications.

What this means, is that all information on every machine in the classroom has the potential to be removed at any given time. This means we need a way to handle our data.

With our network bandwidth limitations, portable media is the most practical way of saving files and projects. Also, with the amount of information needed for every project in our field, a larger, and faster storage device is necessary for our work.

There are a lot of different portable storage devices out there here but speed and quality do differ. If you have concerns about this please reach out to me as quickly as possible. Here is what comes recommended for this class.

SanDisk Extreme SDCZ800 64 gig would be great

SanDisk Extreme SDCZ880 128 gig is very nice (newer Version of the CZ80 and solid state)

SanDisk Extreme 250 Gig SS drive Is more expensive but a great drive

Calendar of important dates

Game Design

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