Mr Scott's Dynamite Webpage

Welcome to my classroom!  

Welcome to my website!  I hope you can find the information you're looking for- let me know if there are any problems!   

First, some links..... 

Google Classroom- Students should have received an invitation to join Google Classroom for both Lang Arts.  If you did not get an invite, please email me and I will get that to you.  

My Computer Is Broken!!! : (

Click on this link for solutions to most of your (computer) problems: 

It's still Broken- that didn't work!!!

Do not walk it to the LMC for help. 
Fill out this form (use a friend's device if you need to) and Mrs. Guyll will come get it asap. 

Summit Ridge Home Page: 

Summit Ridge Student Handbook: 

My Favorite Ice Cream Flavors:

My hope is that this webpage will answer many questions parents and students might have.   There are several documents on my docs page that parents should look over.  This includes a "common questions" syllabus, permission slip for books and movies, and list of 'big picture' goals for the year.  

The day to day academics will all be found on Google Classroom pages.  Don't look for lessons, work sheets, assignments, or handouts here.  

The most important page is the Team Calendar.  This page will include homework for all core classes in one place.  There is a link to that site at the bottom of this page!


"When teachers, families, and community work together, only good things can happen for kids."- John Peery

I love hearing from parents and students!  The best way to reach me with any questions, comments, or concerns, is email.  I check it several times a day and respond quickly.  I also have voicemail, but the response time is a bit more clunky.  Most years, I receive less than five voice mails from parents, so I check it less often.


Voicemail:  303-982-9003

Class Work Policies

1.  Any writing piece that has been returned can be rewritten for up to 100% credit, it the student sits with me after school (or on Zoom)  to read and discuss the piece one on one.  This includes the theme thread paragraphs. 

2.  Tests can be retaken, but students need to have a parent sign off that they did study for 30 minutes to qualify.  This does not include book tests, since that would amount to a reading extension.  

3.  If kids honestly read the outside reading novels but score a D or F on the test, they are invited to see me after school for a five minute book talk.  If they convince me that they read the entire book, I will raise their grade to a passing grade.

4.  Extra credit can be earned for reading extra novels DURING the novel units.  This does not apply to times when we are doing 'student choice' reading.    

Extra Help

At times, students will need some extra help understanding concepts, making up missing work, or following up after an absence.  The most important part of this is to PLEASE, PLEASE ask for extra help.  Your teachers will do whatever it takes, if you ask. 

This year extra help will be available during access class in the morning.  There is also time on Tuesdays and Thursdays (when I don't have a meeting or club) for me to chat with kids and reteach whatever needs a bit more understanding.  Please feel free to drop by and get extra help or just work!


Students will be expected to read two hours per week at home, which averages out to 20 minutes per day.  Students can juggle this however it best fits their schedule- work around soccer practice and other classes and family time, but at the end of each week, students are responsible for 2 hours of reading. Most of the homework for 7th grade English Language Arts will be this reading.  There will be the occasional writing assignment or the "finish at home if you don't finish in class" work, but the big part is outside reading.  

Most of the time, 7th grade students will be given novels to read at home.  They will need to finish the books by a certain due date, so it is possible kids will need to read more than the two hours per week to complete an assignment.  If students finish books early, they are still responsible to read two hours per week.  Options include asking me for additional books, finding their own books, or reading magazines, newspapers, or online materials.  Eighth grade students will have a few books from me, but mostly they will be responsible to find their own reading material.  Regular trips to the LMC will be offered.  

When students are reading class novels that I've handed out, they don't need to do additional work beyond reading the book by a certain date.  There will be an assessment for the book at the end of the allotted time.  Other times, students will be able to choose their own books, but during that time, they will be expected to write summaries each time they read.  This will be explained in class, and there will be an optional worksheet for this on my documents page.  

   Film Club 

I am waiting to see if there will be clubs this year.  Fingers crossed!


Please contact me via email if you have questions or comments!