Good reads

Good Reads

This section highlights a suggested book or books by members of the AMAZING Mitchell team. We encourage families to read these books together. In coming months we will highlight books also for our tween, young adult and adult population.

These books can be read and discussed amongst families, friends &/or formed book groups and will cover a variety of diversity and equity topics for all ages.

Featured Good Reads Book

The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade

Author: Justin Roberts

Recommendation by: Mrs. Middleton (1st Grade)

This is what Mrs. Middleton had to say about The Smallest Girl In The Smallest Grade: “And how the world could transform and a change could be made by the smallest girl in the smallest grade.” Beautifully written, poetic book about being kind. A little girl notices that everyday things, in and out of school, and notices the small things, too. She decides to make a difference by standing up and telling all to “Stop hurting each other, this is enough!” And her school/classmates respond, little by little.

Other Recommendations