About Me

My name is Ms. Morgenthaler and I'm very excited to be  teaching 5th grade this year!  I'm looking forward to getting to know my new students and learning and growing together. 

I grew up here, in Conifer, and graduated from Conifer High School. I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Neuroscience and History from the University of Colorado Boulder.  I returned to CU to earn my teacher's licensure. 

This will be my 8th year of teaching, and 5th year at Elk Creek. I have taught 4th, 5th and 6th grades. 

5th grade is my FAVORITE grade to teach. As a teacher, I am passionate about offering students hands-on, engaging experiences that foster their social, creative and academic growth. There are SO MANY opportunities in the 5th grade curriculum for students to feel inspired and curious about the world around them. 

I feel that this is such an important year when kids are starting to recognize their own identity, make choices about how they will treat others and master difficult academic content. One of my favorite things is 5th grade humor... they make me laugh most days. :) 

I love spending time with my family. I have 2 younger sisters, who are my best friends. One of my sisters is also a 5th grade teacher! My other sister is in college at CU studying Physiology. 

This is my dog, Maggie. She LOVES the water. This summer she got to swim in a creek, a couple of different rivers and many lakes-- so she's a happy dog! She keeps me  busy by demanding a walk every evening. 

I also enjoy reading, camping, hiking , knitting, drinking earl grey tea, cooking, swimming at the beach and creating new things. This summer I read a ton of new books, went camping and hiking, and spent time with my grandparents swimming, fishing and playing cards. 

I also enjoy challenging my self to learn new things. This last year I took a surfing lesson and learned to grow my own garden. I was so proud of the tomatoes and flowers that I grew from seeds! 

I also am the Regional Director for Jeffco Destination Imagination (DI). DI is a worldwide creative problem solving program. DI has fostered my belief in the importance of hands-on learning, fostering creativity and trusting in student's abilities. You'll see that I incorporate those beliefs into my classroom. 

If you are interested in learning more about DI or starting a team just let me know!