
We are JTS-Community. A community-based program under the umbrella of Jefferson County Transition Services (JTS).

Here, you'll find links to the resources you'll need to get started, Frequently Asked Questions to your most common questions, and a place for any program announcements.

Simply use the navigation bar above.

What Does Community-Based mean? We are integrated in the community, spanning from the Central area (Belmar-Lakewood) to South area (Littleton) of Jefferson County. Our program does not meet in a school building at any time. We hold classes in community buildings (Rec Centers, Libraries, etc.) and have work sites throughout the community as well.

Our first expectation of any student in our program is that they have the ability to travel independently on RTD. Students are provided with extensive RTD travel training (by JTS Community staff) at the beginning of each semester to learn the bus/light rail routes to and from class and their individual job sites.

Where are you located? We do not have one central location. We have class and job sites in the community that are set for the semester. These sites stay the same for the whole semester. RTD travel training will be provided at the beginning of each semester when (or if) the class and job sites change.