Extended Learning

Extended Learning Opportunities progress throughout the school year in the content areas. All of these projects or activities are optional. Students will be able to show their interests and talents in subjects they enjoy and share them with their peers. Students will present their projects at the end of a unit to go towards their grade on the report card.

Students may pick and choose projects that are interesting or special to them. Trying to do all the learning opportunities may become overwhelming.

Students on an ALP may be asked to choose a project in their strength area to meet goals on the Advanced Learning Plan.

Once a student signs the agreement to participate they must complete the project and will be expected to present on the date assigned.

We hope these learning opportunities will provide extra motivation for students to shine.

Print the following documents as needed

Social Studies - Colorado

Science - Energy; Electrical Circuits; and Erosion, Weathering and Deposition

Writing - Memoir