GMHS Rams Bands

Sign-Up Genius to volunteer for our fundraiser!    

Click HERE for general Volunteer positions: We need people each week!!

Calendar of events

Band Pictures show - website main page

Corporate sponsors

GMHS Band Sponsors - website

If you own or work for a small business or corporation that would like to support our outstanding band programs, please contact us!  We would love to have you as a sponsor!

Our program remains strong even in the face of district budget cuts - district budgets and student fees now only cover about 65% of program costs.  We succeed through the hard work of our students and the financial support provided by parents, fundraising events, and corporate sponsorships. We need your help to continue this legacy.

Corporate sponsorship contributions go directly to the GMHS Band Booster’s general fund.   The general fund pays for all supplemental band instructor salaries, equipment, transportation, uniform cleaning costs, and event registration fees.

See Mr. Wellman's Teaching website (will update when active)

Check out the full GMHS Performing Arts website here