Bienvenidos et Bienvenus


Period 1: El español III 

Period 2: El español III

Period 3: El español I 

Period 4: El español I 

Period 5: Plan

Period 6: French I

7th Hour


Voice Mail: 303-982-5157


Room: E-208

Teacher Bio:

My name is Gary Black and I am pleased to be teaching at D’Evelyn this year!  This will be my fifth year at D’Evelyn and I will be teaching Spanish I, Spanish III and French I.  I went to school at the University of Colorado at Boulder and majored in Spanish and minored in French.  In my free time I enjoy going on family adventures with my wife and our two daughters.  Looking forward to a great school year!


Back to school night: 6:00 pm, August 23rd, 2023