Independent Reading

Independent Reading

English 10 Honors Independent Reading Assignment Corbo 2013-14

2nd Semester: Nonfiction choice (Memoir, Autobiography or Other) – DUE: Tuesday April 8

Choose a text to read independently. Our second semester assignment allows you to pick a piece of non-fiction that you may be personally interested in. There is some work that goes along with it, however. (I know…way to spoil the fun Corbo!) Well, think of it this way. You’ll get a chance to be an authority about something and share that knowledge with others, very likely wetting someone’s appetite for a new read. The only rules for the first independent text are that 1) it has to be a piece of nonfiction, and 2) it must be approved by me (and your parents…)! I suggest you don’t “dumb down” this assignment and challenge yourself with something cool and interesting. Here’s how it works…

1. As you read, you should keep a response journal or notes that would help you write about your chosen text on 2 levels personally and academically (though these notes are not required and will not be collected).

2. You will create a 2-part writing.

Part 1: (1 page) Your response and critical review of the book.

· In part 1 you will tell your readers what the book was about (without giving away the ending!!) [Summary]

· What you liked and/or disliked about the book [Personal Response]

· Use quotes that you admired for their power, creativity, or because they “speak to you” in some way that prompts a response. Always look for examples of artistic writing! Be sure to document where you find these quotes (MLA).

Part 2: (2 pages) You will include research about one of the main topics of interest in the book or what subject of the book revolves around.

· You will use a minimum of 3 outside sources found through the internet that have been checked and verified as reliable sources. These sources should help us understand the books “topic” on a deeper level academically and help teach yourself and your readers more about the subject.

· You must also use your book in this writing which means you must account for 4 sources total in the entire paper!

The assignment is worth 100 points.

Reader Response (Step 1): 50 points

· Shows clear, organized writing according to typical standards.

· Shows confident and correct summary writing and a clear, interesting personal response.

Research (Step 2): 50 points

· Some in school research time will be provided (April 1, 2, &3).

· Use of one (1) available research database is required.

· The other 2 sources may be from the web.

o Utilizes proper MLA format across the entire assignment.

This assignment is due as a hard copy on Tuesday, April 8 and in on Tuesday evening, April 8. No exceptions or excuses. Late assignments will lose 10% each day late, up to 3 days then credit is no longer guaranteed.