An Echidna Discovery

December 19, 2016

People have been putting collars on the echidnas to track them and finally found out the echidnas daily life. The echidna is a animal that lays eggs. But it is not a bird or a reptile. An echidna is a mammal that lays eggs. Other mammals that lay eggs are the platypus and other species of echidna.

But the echidna lays eggs like a reptile. Echidnas only lay one egg and it is the size of a grape. The mom echidna puts the egg in her pouch on her belly. The egg usually hatches ten days after it is laid. But the mom echidna puts the puggle (baby) echidna in a burrow when it grows its spines.

When the echidna eats it uses its long tongue to reach in termite mounds and ant mounds. The echidna's front claws are facing forward. But the echidna's back claws are facing backwards.There claws are facing that way so they can dig holes better.

The scientists found out the life of the echidnas by strapping acceleration-sensing instruments to the echidnas. Then they found it out by using the instruments that they strapped to the echidnas. The scientists found out the echidna's daily life on November 18, 2016.