Please contact Mr. Anders: or 303-982-6454

 1 White Oak Dr, Littleton, CO 80127 

Mr. Anders

Bradford Primary, K-4, Music Teacher

"Eat, sleep, music."

Mr. Anders is so happy to be at his dream school with his dream position! Having moved from Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2008, he has been teaching in JEFFCO since then. He is one of the very few certified Dalcroze Eurhythmics teachers practicing in the public schools as most instructors serve in conservatories or in private studios.  With his degree from The Juilliard School in New York, Mr. Anders was/is a devoted student of the titian of Rhythmititians, Dr. Robert 'Bob' Abramson and is very proud of his lineage; Émile Jaques-Dalcroze>Hilda Schuster>Bob Abramson>Mr.  Anders. He has chosen not to participate nor be governed under Geneva's or it's affiliate's current hierarchies or organizations. He has studied with many luminaries in the Dalcroze field and this past summer he studied with the unsurpassed Monica Dale at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester New York.

 His video, 'The Bunny Story' on YouTube is the most viewed Dalcroze video in the world. He also was one of the first teachers to seriously bring the Dalcroze approach to Colorado through his past work in conjunction with Colorado State University. Mr. Anders is also an accomplished organist, specializing in the virtuosic works of the French Romantics, with near 200 recordings on YouTube.

Some helpful links to better understand Eurhythmics: